Saint David’s Uniting Church
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Live Stream –
31st March 2024
Welcome, everyone who joins us for worship on this glad day. We pray that we may all know the joy of Christ’s risen presence and go on our way rejoicing.
If you are a visitor or worshipping with us for the first time, we hope you will feel the warmth of our welcome and return again soon
We are privileged that Rev Ray Vincent, a long standing member of our fellowship, is leading our worship today. The service will include the celebration of the Lord’s Supper and we invite all to share in the bread and wine with us.
Our ‘Copper Pot’ is on the table waiting for your ‘small change’, the money is donated to ‘local’ charities; if you have any suggestions for a worthy charity please make them known
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- We rejoice with Hilary on the birth of her Great Grandson, Wilfred (to be known as Wilf) who arrived safely, if it little late, last weekend.
- We think of Brian as he learns to cope with medication, but is struggling with his appetite.
- We send Easter Greetings to those who live in care. John & Jean, Diana, Valerie and Sue along with those who are not able to worship with us at present, Hettie, Sharon, Cyril, Hilary, Lorraine, Barbara Gwenllian and Marilyn Y. For those who are waiting for the warmer weather, we look forward to them sharing worship with us.
- We are aware of several people who are waiting for results or have appointments this week.
There is just one birthday that we are aware of this week, and it is TODAY (31st)
Sue Skym will be blowing out the candles, no doubt with some members of her family present. Enjoy it Sue.
Thanks from….
…..Marcia….It’s just three weeks since I had my hip operation and I’m delighted to say that I am, on the Physio’s words ‘doing well’. I would also like to say a ‘BIG’ thank you for all the cards, messages, flowers, gifts and offers of help that I have received. You’ve all been fantastic, and I am very grateful. THANKYOU
….Kath….My birthday was amazing! Thanks mainly for the many messages and cards I received from my church family. Thank you all so much!
Diary for the Week
Monday 1st The Park Ramblers will meet by Nat West Bank at 10.15 – Coffee venue TBA
Sunday 7th Morning Worship with Lewis Lewis Head at 10.45
Handmade cards
Colleen’s cards are available to purchase/order every week. Large cards are £2 and small ones £1.50.
If you know of anybody celebrating special wedding anniversaries, birthdays etc please let Colleen know and we can help them celebrate! Orders can be personalised! So, if anyone would like a handmade card, contact Colleen.
St David’s Guild
Last week we had an afternoon of fun and laughter! We also welcomed Dorothy back after months of her being away because of illness, we took the opportunity to celebrate her birthday with a cake made by Colleen. This was our last weekly meeting until October.
Until then we will meet just once a month with the next meeting scheduled for 27th April. The full programme has not yet been decided, but we do have a visitor booked for May 29th (Phil will be with us) please make a note of these dates. From October our weekly meetings will be held in St Catherines.
Future Services
April 14th Zoom service Rev Ray Vincent & Service at St David’s Michael
April 21st Haydn Blackey April 28th Rev Martin Spain
From the Elders’ Meeting on March 21st
- Church Meeting on April 15th April at 7pm.
- There is a new checklist on display in the kitchen which all those who use the kitchen should read.
- Rev Shelagh Pollard has been appointed as Interim Moderator. She will navigate the four churches through vacancy until the call of a minister. Interim Moderators no longer chair other meetings or take services.
- The church has been asked to host choir rehearsals for the week of the Eisteddfod. The URC Trust have agreed to us staying in our present building until after Eisteddfod Week.
MS Walk Cardiff 2024
Claire is taking up the challenge, if you want to sponsor her on line her go to and enter Claire Hughes MS Walk. If on-line is not your thing speak to Claire if you would like to support her.
Anagrams for Easter
- segregate (2 words)
- sorcerer unit
- Aretha Pepys (2 words)
- Dody Figaro (2 words)
- Anette huggers (3 words)
- fox Rici unci
- Andra duty mushy (2 words)
- Alys DNA ump (2 words)
- shades yawned (2 words)
- Carrie vestees (2 words)
- apple rusts (2 words)
- Salopian spy (2 words)
Thought for the week
“Enthusiasm is one of the most powerful engines of success. When you do a thing, do it with all your might.
Put your whole soul into it. Stamp it with your own personality.
Be active, be energetic and faithful, and you will accomplish your object.
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson