St David’s Uniting ChurchGelliwastad RdPontypriddConstitution2001Amended 2014 |
- Denominational Position
- The Joint Church shall be known as ‘Saint David’s Uniting Church’. It will be affiliated to the Baptist Union of Great Britain and will be a church within the Presbyterian Church of Wales and the United Reformed Church.
- Saint David’s Presbyterian Church of Wales, Pontypridd and Pontypridd United church have entered into a sharing agreement under the Sharing of Church Buildings Act 1969.
- The Basis of the Church
- Saint David’s Uniting Church accepts the faith and practice of the three denominations regarding baptism and confirmation. It further accepts the following:
- That our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, God made known in human life, is the only and absolute authority for faith and practice, as revealed in the New Testament.
- That the church is the community of believers that seeks to express Christ to the world in the strength, guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit
- That it is the will of Christ that believers should voluntarily assemble together; – for the public worship of God, to observe the sacraments, for mutual support, to gain an understanding of the faith, to hold to the Gospel, and to declare the Gospel abroad.
- That recognising the priesthood of all believers, it is the duty and privilege of every member of the church to bear personal witness, in life and conduct, to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Saint David’s Uniting Church accepts the faith and practice of the three denominations regarding baptism and confirmation. It further accepts the following:
- Membership
- Membership of the church shall be open to all who confess their love and loyalty to Jesus Christ and their acceptance of him as Lord and Saviour.
- New members may be admitted in one of the following ways:
- on profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord
- by believer’s Baptism
- members in good standing in another church may be admitted to membership by letter of transfer, or such other credentials as shall be satisfactory to the Elders’ meeting.
- The admission of new members shall be subject to an affirmative vote of a majority members present and voting at an ordinary Church Meeting, after hearing the advice given by the Elders’ Meeting.
- All new members shall be formally received into the church family by the offering of the ‘right hand of fellowship’. This shall be given at the first convenient Communion Service by the Minister, or in the absence of the Minister, by another officer appointed for the purpose. The act of admission shall include Public acceptance of the privileges and responsibilities of membership by the new member.
- Members will be expected to attend regularly, the service of public worship, the Communion Service and the Church Meeting; and shall consider it a duty to support the work of the Kingdom financially, in order that the Gospel may be honourably sustained.
- It shall be the duty of the Elders’ Meeting to carry out an annual review of the Membership roll.
- A ‘potential non-active’ list shall be kept of the members who are non-active due to removal from the district or loss of interest. These non-active members shall remain on the roll for twelve months, after which, at the discretion of the Minister and Elders, they shall be transferred to a ‘non-active’ list, with due warning being given. Those on the ‘non-active’ list shall not be entitled to vote on any matter of church business.
- Ordinances
- The Lord’s Supper shall be held on the first Sunday of every month, or at such times as the Minister and Elders may decide, but at least twice a month. The Table shall be open to all who seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, including children who have been adequately prepared.
- Believer’s Baptism, by immersion or aspersion, shall be administered, at a service of public worship, to all who desire it.
- Infant Baptism or the Presentation of Infants. Believing that our Lord wishes children to be brought into his family, this church, together with the parents, acknowledges and accepts responsibility to train the children in the Christian way of life, until he or she is of an age to make his or her own personal decision. Therefore, it publicly welcomes the child by either Infant Baptism, or the Presentation of Infants, according to the wishes of the parents.
- The Minister shall not be obliged to perform a mode of baptism that runs counter to his/her own personal convictions or inclinations. In such a case, another Minister shall be invited to administer the rite, the Minister of the church supporting him/her in prayer and presence (if possible).
- Ministry
- The Minister shall be chosen from the list of accredited Ministers of the Baptist Union, The Presbyterian Church of Wales and the United Reformed Church or from the lists of accredited Ministers of those denominations in membership with Churches Together in England or Cytun in Wales.
- When a vacancy occurs in the pastorate, the church shall preferably seek Ministry from one of the three denominations in rotation.
- In the choice of the Ministry, the church shall value the advice and good will of the Officers concerned with pastoral settlements, of the denominations with which it is in fellowship.
- The appointment of a Minister shall take place on a nomination by the Elders or such other body appointed by the Church for that purpose. In no case shall the name of more than one Minister be placed before the Church at one meeting. The appointment of a Minister shall require an affirmative vote of at least 75% of the members present and voting. Such a vote shall be recorded on ballot papers distributed in the meeting for the purpose.
- Elders
- In the tradition of the uniting churches Elders are ordained for life. They shall be considered the spiritual leaders and form the advisory committee of the church.
- An Elder shall be elected for a nominal term of three years, and the election shall take place at the Annual Church Meeting.
- No Elder shall serve for more than two terms of three years consecutively, and cannot be eligible for re-election for at least one term (three years) following two consecutive terms. In exceptional circumstances, a Church Officer could be asked to continue to serve for a third term but would then be required to take the requisite break of three years.
- All Elders serving and non-serving, would have a voice at the bimonthly church meeting and would be entitled to attend and represent the church at denominational meetings.
- An Elder elected to fill a vacancy arising between Annual Meetings shall be appointed only for the un-expired term of office of the one whose place has been taken, and the election in such a case shall be held at any time decided by the church. Such a person would be eligible for one further term of three years.
- (the proposed amendment will take place 5 years after the change to the constitution) Close members of the same family will not as a general rule be elected to serve simultaneously.
- For the nomination and election of Elders, the procedure shall be as follows:
- Not less than three months before the date fixed for election, notice shall be given by announcement at services of Public Worship of the date of the election, and the right of all members to make nominations. The morning service of the first day of announcement shall be an Eldership service.
- All nominations shall be in writing, and shall be sent or handed to the Church Secretary within one month of nominations opening. Nominations shall be seconded in writing, on separate forms, by at least two members, and shall be sent or handed to the Church Secretary no longer than one month after the close of nominations.
- No formally seconded nomination shall be put forward for election without the nominee’s signed consent. The last date for the receipt of seconding forms shall be no later than one month after the close of nominations.
- A list of those nominated shall be displayed in the church for not less than 21 days including three Sundays before the date of election..
- The election of the Elders shall be by confidential ballot of those present and eligible to vote. If the election is uncontested, it shall require an affirmative vote of at least 70% of the members present and voting, and if contested it shall require at least 60%, for a member to be declared elected. If 60% is not achieved by any of the nominees, the top few, dependent on how many vacancies available,would go forward to another confidential ballot. If this ballot is uncontested then 70% of the vote would be needed.
- The Elders shall meet normally once a month, or as necessary, there being no less than eight meetings in any one calendar year. In addition, any two Elders may call an Elders’ meeting. Business at Elders’ meetings need not normally be regarded as confidential, but where a specific request for confidentiality is made, it must be respected.
- Church Secretary and Treasurer
- The Church Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected every three years by the Church Meeting and shall be elders for their full term of office, being elected as officer and elder. Any person nominated for one of these offices but not elected, who has been properly nominated as an elder, will be eligible to the elected as an elder. Any officer standing down from their post will also automatically be standing down from the Eldership.
- The Annual Church Meeting may also elect an Assistant Secretary and Treasurer, as the need arises. These will not necessarily be elders.
- Finance
- The joint Church shall be responsible for paying through the normal denominational channels any assessment and expenses towards the cost of ministry as determined by the parent bodies.
- The Financial year shall end on the 31st day of December, and a financial statement presented at the next church meeting.
- The Annual church meeting
- The Annual Church Meeting shall normally take place in June, at which the election of the Officers and Auditors and the presentation of annual reports shall take place.
- Church meetings
- These shall be held at least once a quarter, but no decisions may be voted upon unless a quorum is present. This shall consist of at least 25% of the current membership.
- Special church Meetings may be called by the Minister, Secretary or a majority of Elders; or at the written request, to the Church Secretary of at least twelve members. Notice of such meetings shall be given at all services on the previous Sunday.
- Minutes of all Church Meetings shall be kept and signed as a true record of the proceedings by the chairperson of the next meeting, if that meeting so decides. Copies of such minutes shall be made available to any member upon request.
- Church Members are expected to abide by decisions taken at properly constituted Church Meetings.
Was received into the Membership of
Saint David’s Uniting Church
“We have many parts in the one body, and all these parts have different functions. In the same way, though we are many, we are one in union with Christ and we are joined to each other as different parts of the body. So we are to use our different gifts in accordance with the grace God has given us.”
ROMANS 12.4 – 6, T.E.V.