St. David’s Church has a unique place in Pontypridd town centre because of the broad, open and inclusive nature of its ministry and believes it has a distinctive and necessary contribution to make in this town. The church has always sought to work out its faith through reflection and proactive engagement with the wider community. Recently as a further step on this journey it has committed itself to the vision of becoming a catalyst for forming a wider community engaging with social need and civic life and working towards imaginative, radical and practical renewal in the life of Pontypridd and the valleys. This vision is born of a church that has its life sustained in worship conducted on two sites, one in the Town Centre and one in a residential area. These different contexts are at the heart of its vision and express its commitment to serving the whole community. A sharing arrangement has been agreed between St. David’s Uniting and Castle Square URC Treforest.
In 2007 the church first made a formal commitment as an open and affirming church. Towards the end of 2012 as part of its preparations for calling a new minister and after a specially convened day of prayer and reflection it reaffirmed this commitment at a subsequent church meeting.
Our commitment as an open and affirming Church
Called to love God and our neighbours as ourselves, we:
- declare ourselves to be an open and affirming church, made up of, and welcoming all people into full participation in the life of the church, regardless of race, colour, gender, age, nationality, economic circumstance, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability or emotional condition
- invite you to journey with us as we share and explore what it means to live as a Christian in Today’s society. At the heart of our church life you will find our worship and our fellowship, both of which we declare to be inclusive of all and exclusive of none. Our welcome is unconditional.
- commit ourselves to work towards ending ignorance, fear, hatred, prejudice and discrimination and speak out against all forms of oppression whereby people are denied their God-given rights of freedom, health and the necessities of life
- provide a safe space for dialogue, where all can be honest and open about what they believe and feel.
- Celebrate diversity and support reconciliation, dedicate ourselves to act as agents for unity and wholeness within the world and the church
- Acknowledge our own shortcomings and insensitivities as we endeavour to reach out in friendship and love to strengthen each other as we seek God’s continuing revelation of truth and light
What we are doing
Many of our activities as a church express something of this vision:
- We support the work of Amnesty International; Displaced People in Action, working with asylum seekers; and we have a Peace & Justice Group.
- We are a place where relationships can be blessed, regardless of the partners’ genders.
- We are members of Pontypridd Christians Together and work with members of other churches in supporting Christian Aid, the Adref homeless hostel, and campaigns for FairTrade.
- We provide a meeting place for Guides, Stamp Club, Sing for Life Choir and other groups.
- Believing that children are important to God, we value young people as part of our church life through Junior Church, Youth Group and Kids’ Club. We make space for Honeybees playgroup, and support the work of Home Start.
- We seek to support each other and help each other grow through Ladies’ Guild and Fellowship meetings. We reach out through Coffee Bar, leaflet drops and other activities.
- We have a special relationship with the Chaplaincy at the University of Glamorgan
- We work with agencies within the wider community supporting families and drug rehabilitation
Statement regarding marriage at St. David’s
In striving to live into God’s kingdom of justice and joy, St David’s Uniting Church, Pontypridd have passed a proposal to promote equality in regards to their marriage policy.
Currently legally unable to conduct same gender weddings, the congregation has made the decision to cease conducting heterosexual weddings until this changes, whilst offering campaigning for change and offering blessing ceremonies for all couples in the meantime.
Their sister congregation, Castle Square URC, is registered to conduct weddings for all couples and it is hoped that St David’s Uniting Church will be able to follow in their footsteps soon. Until that time comes, they will continue to fight for equality, justice and welcome for all people, whatever their sexuality or gender, both in the church and in the wider community.
“This will be a prophetic witness of God’s extravagant love for all for those within our parent denominations who think differently,” said Bethan Walkling, church elder.
“At a time when many are turning away from the Church because they see it as judgmental, this could be a great way of sharing God’s good news of great joy for all people, which of course includes the LGBTQ+ community,” added Revd Dr Phil Wall, church minister.
“This decision isn’t about restricting our range of services but extending the blessing of loving relationships and ensuring that we do so with full equality to all. This is in line with our calling to bless all sorts of relationships in God’s name – couples, families, colleagues…the possibilities – like God’s love – are endless!” Iestyn Henson, church elder.
Our Mission Statement
Working for Unity, Celebrating Diversity
‘God has made known to us his secret purpose – namely, that the universe, everything in heaven and on earth, might be brought into a unity in Christ.’
The writer of the letter to the Ephesians has a vision not just of the world but of the whole universe made one in Christ (Eph.1:10). At the heart of this vision is the crucified and risen Christ, and the church which in the name of Christ brings together people of different cultures, races and backgrounds, both Jews and Gentiles (Eph.2:16). God calls this united church to be agents of his purposes, drawing all things ‘in heaven and on earth’ together (Eph.2:10). As Christ is their peace (Eph. 2:14), so in turn they are to be peace-makers in the whole of God’s world (Eph.4:1-4).
As a uniting church which brings together three denominations, we confess with gratitude and joy our dependence on God, who by his grace has brought us together in Christ. Together we seek to express this uniting vision in our ministry to build the Kingdom of God in the community, with a focus on the development of the community as well as service within it.
‘As God has called you, live up to your calling…Spare no effort to make fast with bonds of peace the unity which the Spirit gives. There is one body and one Spirit, just as there is one hope held out in God’s call to you; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.’ (Eph.4:3-6)
As we seek to develop our ministry under the guidance of God, we would strive for unity in different areas:
The unity of creation. We seek to be involved in issues relating to Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation, building international links, addressing economic and social injustice, highlighting environmental and ecological concerns etc by means of such things as projects and campaigns.
The unity of the community. We seek to be a place where none are excluded, and where all, especially those who experience rejection elsewhere, can know the welcome of Christ. Confessing the brokenness of the world along ‘religious’ boundaries, we seek also to build constructive relationships with other communities of faith.
The unity of the church. We seek to broaden and deepen ecumenical relationships and strengthen everything that enables us all to grow to the maturity of Christ.
The unity of the individual. We seek to offer opportunities for people to learn more of what it means to be truly human, body, mind, spirit, created in the image of God.
‘With deep roots and firm foundations, may you, in company with all God’s people, be strong to grasp what is the breadth and length and height and depth of Christ’s love, and to know it, though it is beyond knowledge. So may you be filled with the fullness of God.’ (Eph.3:18-19)
‘God has made known to us his secret purpose – namely, that the universe, everything in heaven and on earth, might be brought into a unity in Christ.’