We work with many different partners in many different ways.
We are a church that has grown and is growing out of a number of different groups of Christians joining together and so we belong or are closely linked to the following church organisations:
South Wales Baptist Association
The Baptist Union of Great Britain
The Presbyterian Church of Wales
We have a sharing agreement for ministry with Castle Square United Reformed Church.
We are a Fairtrade Church, serving Fairtrade tea and coffee after our morning service. We also have a Fairtrade stall, stocked by Siopa Teg.
We actively engage in ‘Valleys of Sanctuary’, which is a group that welcomes and actively campaigns for Syrian Refugees in Rhondda Cynon Taf. We help provide goods and furnishings for the new homes of Syrian families and most of all we offer our support and friendship to these people who find themselves in a strange land. English Language classes for refugees from any country are held in the Church rooms most Monday mornings.
An emergency Night Shelter was hosted in our Church Hall in the late 1990’s, until the local Hostel was opened in nearby Mill St. The Night Shelter and the hostel are run by Adref.
The lower level of our premises houses a project that helps people that are addicted to drugs. It is run by the Crime Reduction Initiative.
Our congregation raise money for Christian Aid through special campaigns and throughout Christian Aid Week.
We give financial support to DPIA – Displaced People in Action, who work with refugees and asylum seekers in Wales, via our own Justice and Peace Group.
At Christmas we send cards of support to prisoners of conscience by working with Amnesty.
Other local ecumenical projects that we support with time, money, gifts and prayer are:
Several groups use our premises, some of whom are listed here
Sing for Life – Tenovus Choir – facebook link
We also have links with other churches.
In Sep-Nov 2018, our minister Rev. Dr. Phil Wall exchanged ministries with Rev. Dan Spragg from the Village Presbyterian Church in Christchurch, New Zealand.