Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel:01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for ZOOM:
11th June 2023
We are getting back to normal! It’s the second Sunday of the month and we have our monthly ZOOM service. We invite you to join us in ‘the square’ from 10.30 for a pre-service chat!
We are very pleased that Gwen Simmons has agreed to lead this service from her home in Rotherham, and we look forward to this time of ‘on screen’ worship.
At the same time, for those who don’t have internet access or prefer ‘live’ worship, there is an alternative service at St David’s. This in-house service will be led by Michael Howells.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- We hold our Sudanese church family in our prayers in their concern for their family who live on the outskirts of Khartoum. They have no way of contacting their family as the internet is down.
- We hear that Ianto’s Mum has had her operation: we think of Ianto and Bethan as they support her in the coming weeks as she adjusts to a new way of living and communicating.
- We think of those who have hospital appointments this week and hope that all goes well for them.
- We give thanks for good health as we think of those who are struggling with many different ailments, some of which come with age.
…..if YOU have anything news to share please contact the Admin email, your Elder or Marcia.
There are three birthdays that we are aware of this week: Alison Jones and Simon Walkling have their birthdays on Sunday 11th and Claire Bevan will be celebrating on Monday 12th. Enjoy your celebrations!
Thanks…for Birthday Greetings.
Marilyn Young who celebrated a ‘special’ birthday on the 1st June says ‘Thankyou for the cards, phone calls and kind messages, I’ve really enjoyed myself and my last celebration meal is this weekend. THANKYOU!
Stephanie ~ Thankyou to all those who phoned, visited or sent cards on my birthday, you all helped to make it a special day!
Margaret Morris ~‘Thank you everyone for cards, phone calls and best wishes for my birthday. They were all very much appreciated and I’m grateful to you all.’
Diary for the Week
Monday 12th Language Class 10.00am
Wednesday 14th Guides – 6.00pm
Thursday 15th Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir – 7.00 – 8.00pm
Sunday 18th Service with Rev Aled Edwards 10.45am
The Elders are meeting with Rev. Stephen Best on Sunday (11th) afternoon to discuss the agenda for the AGM, Stephen will be chairing our AGM on July 10th.
Future Services
June 25th – Rev Martin Spain July 2nd – Peter Noble July 9thZoom – Rev Ray Vincent
Elders Nominations – A reminder
As Sue Walkling will be moving and Peter Davies has chosen to stand down there are two vacancies.
Nomination forms for two places on the eldership are now available. Those members we have email addresses for should have received a nomination slip by email. All forms must be received by 18th June.
A list of the Current elders is on the notice board.
All St. David’s Uniting Church members can nominate any other church member whom they deem to have the gifts and graces to serve God through church eldership. More than one name can be given and neither a seconder, nor the permission of the person you’re nominating needs to be sought. Please take some time to prayerfully consider this. Elders will be affirmed at the AGM on July 10th.
Refugee Week 19th– 25thJune
On 24th June we will be holding an ‘Open Door’ Evening to welcome refugees and asylum seekers who live locally. There will be games, crafts and a chance for refugees to find out more about what opportunities there are for them in the area. All are welcome and refreshments will be provided. Make a note in your diary of the time, 6.00-8.00pm now, and come along and join us as we welcome new friends.
Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
During Christian Aid Week we raised £956.50.
Envelope collection £846.50, coffee and cakes £110, a wonderful effort!!
We have now received a letter from Christian Aid asking if we can donate now to help assist Ukrainians after devastating floods. The Nova Kakhovka dam explosion has forced thousands of people to leave their homes. If you are able, please will you consider donating to help our global neighbours in Ukraine in the face of this new crisis.
There will be collection plates on the table for the next two weeks if any one wishes to donate.
Bus Trip…. seats still available
….. to Sidmouth on Tuesday 27th June. 50+ have arranged the trip and have spare seats on their coach -if anyone is interested, the price is £15 and will leave Pontypridd bus station at 9am. Names to Marcia please, or contact 07814440929
Thought for the Week
If you believe it will work out, you’ll see opportunities, if you believe it won’t, you’ll see obstacles
Wayne Dyer