Saint David’s Uniting Church
& Castle Square URC
Minister: Rev. Dr Phil Wall
Tel: 01443 300345 Mob: 07855090360
Admin email: [email protected]
17th July 2022
We welcome everyone who joins us for worship today, which is being led by our minister.
If this is your first visit to the church, we welcome you and hope you will feel the warmth of our welcome.
We give a special welcome to Stacey and Richard Matthews and their family and friends as they bring their daughter Sienna Grace to be baptised.
Our morning service is live streamed
We have our Zoom Storytelling Service at 6pm where we invite you to share a story or poem (this month, about baptism), simply listen, or share bread and wine with friends from around the world, all are welcome to this service.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers.
- We hold Marilyn Leach and the family in our prayers on the death of her younger brother Wyndford.
- David Jones returned home last weekend – and has been catching up on his sleep!
- We think of those who have hospital appointments to find out if the treatment they are receiving is OK.
- There are many who are finding the warm weather difficult to cope with ~ all we can say is ‘try and stay cool and stay indoors’
- Castle Square Elders meet at 2pm this Tuesday. Please keep them in your prayers.
There is just one birthday that we are aware of this week, and one the week after.
Delene Huish will be celebrating tomorrow (Monday 18th) – Nathan Hughes has his birthday on Wednesday 27th – enjoy your celebrations both and don’t work too hard!
Diary for the Week ~ St David’s
Monday 18th & 25th 10.00 am Language lessons
Monday 18th 7.00pm Church AGM – postponed (see below)
Wednesday 20th 6.00 pm Guides.
Thursday 21st & 28th 7.00 pm Tenovus ‘Sing for life’ choir.
Sunday 24th 10:45 am Phil will lead our morning worship.
Sunday 31st 10.45 am Synod Sunday via Zoom open from 10.30
Castle Square
Monday 18th & 25th 10.30 am Craft and Chat
Tuesday 19th 2.00 pm Elders meeting
News letter’s
Apart from a fortnight break at 2021 Christmas/New year the newsletter has been compiled and uploaded to the website every week since 22 March 2020 – that’s 120 issues! They have been delivered by our loyal team of couriers whatever the weather.
Due to holiday’s, we are unable to publish a newsletter for 24th July. There will be a bumper edition on 31st July as we have taken the decision to return to our pre-covid practice of taking the month of August off.
SO, remember to keep your newsletter on July 31st as the next one will be September 4th.
News from URC General Assembly
The annual URC General Assembly took place last weekend, with Simon and Phil representing the National Synod of Wales in their attendance. Resolutions passed included an apology for our ancestors’ role in the slave trade; a commitment to being carbon net zero by 2030; and a condemnation of the Government’s obscene policy on trafficking refugees to Rwanda. For more on all that went on at Assembly, go to
St. David’s Uniting Church A G M – Changed to Sunday morning 24th
When it’s not floods or pandemics changing our plans, it’s heatwaves!
Given the unprecedented weather warnings for Monday, and with the current forecast suggesting that the temperature in Pontypridd at 7pm on Monday will be 33° but ‘feeling like 36°, the elders have decided to postpone the annual church meeting. Instead of meeting in Gelliwastad Road on Monday at 7pm, we will meet next Sunday morning following a much-shortened service. We accept that this is far from ideal but the elders have considered the health and well-being of church members alongside the encouragement for the widest participation and have decided that this is the best option in the circumstances. We hope you will understand and will keep cool this week!
St David’s Uniting Guild – Arty August
Robert and Phil are taking charge of guild during the month of August. What they, with help from Carol, have planned for us is veiled in secrecy, but all will be revealed in the first session on Wednesday August 3rd at 2pm. This sounds mysterious and exciting. This is all the information so far……
We shall be meeting every Wednesday in August.
The theme of these meetings will be ‘Every picture tells a story’. For the first meeting we are asked to bring a wedding photo or a family picture. It doesn’t matter if it’s in a frame.
You will not be asked to paint or draw (a sigh of relief from some of us!)
So there we have it!!
Roll up ladies and gents for ‘Adventurous August’ We are all agog to find out what it entails. Robert has been asked for a few pointers but he is keeping the subject very much close to his chest!
Thought for the Week
Change is the only constant!
Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher,