Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
8th January 2023
Welcome to the first newsletter of 2022 – A HEALTHY AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL!
The Couriers and Editor have enjoyed the break and now we look forward to bringing you the news each week…..
if YOU have anything to share please contact us at the Admin email or through your Elders.
We welcome everyone who joins us for our first Zoom service of 2023 which is being led by Rev Ray Vincent ~ his theme today is Religion in Wales – an End or a Beginning?
The chat room will open at 10.30 when we will have time to share news with each other.
At the same time, for those who don’t have internet access or prefer ‘live’ worship, there is an alternative service at St David’s led by Michael Howells.
Handmade cards will be on sale after the service, all proceeds go to Church funds.
Whichever service you join we hope that you will feel the warmth of fellowship with friends.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers.
- We hold Viviane in our prayers as she has travelled to be with her sister who is very poorly.
- We pray for our friend Tina as, test results permitting, she will have surgery this week.
- We are aware of people who have suffered the unexpected loss of family members in recent days.
- We think of those who are struggling with health and/or home situations and pray that all will be well.
- It was great to see Jayne Bright in church last week. She is doing well after her knee operation.
- Many of our fellowship have succumbed to a viral cold that is leaving them with a persistent cough, we hope they are all back to normal soon.
There are no birthdays that we are aware of this week.
Good News
Elsie is delighted to say that she has had good results and will have just three visits to Velindre in the coming weeks.
Thanks…. Christmas Services
We were indeed privileged with our Christmas Eve Communion service and Christmas Day Service, which featured Messages and Traditions! The Services were much appreciated. Our thanks to those who led them.
Christmas Appeals ~ Update
We received £635 for our Appeal which will be split, as requested, between Christian Aid and Llamau.
Carol Singing at Sainsbury’s realised £165.11 and Carols & Cocktails made £70, both for Christian Aid.
Our annual appeal for Leprosy Mission was £380.30. Thanks to all who have contributed.
Diary for the Week
Monday 9th Language Class 10.00 am
Wednesday 11th St David’s Guild – 14.00 to15.30 (see below) Guides – 6.00 pm
Thursday 12th Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir 6.30 pm
Friday 13th Hatha Yoga – 9.30-11.30 am
Sunday 15th 21st Anniversary Service – All-Age Celebration
St David’s Guild
A very big thank you from Guild members to Sue Walkling for leading us in a fun afternoon and also providing a delicious afternoon tea at our last meeting of 2022. It was a lovely time spent together.
This week Tracy from the Principality Building Society will be our guest who will be making us aware of scams and how to deal with them.
Christmas Greetings were received from:
Viviane ~Joyeux Noël and a Happy & Healthy New Year. The flowers on the card are original Australian flowers.
Mary Robins ~Wishing you a Happy Christmas. Alan and Stephanie ~ with every blessing to all friends.
Pam ~To all my Friends with love, Christmas Blessings are sent to you for peace and joy the whole year through.
Annette and Terry ~ to all our Friends, Christmas Wishes for peace and Joy. Colleen and Kev ~To All, with love at Christmas
Beti ~ to All, wishing you joy at Christmas and for 2023. Sue Salmon ~ To Claire and the Members with love.
Hettie ~ Love to Everyone ~Wishing you peace, joy, and happiness this Christmas and for the coming year.
Gwenllian ~To elders and Church Friends, wishing you a happy home this Christmas.
Janet Bullock ~ wishing you all a Happy Christmas & a healthy New Year. Stephen ~ to members and friends. Nadolig Llawen.
Chris and Margaret, with our love ~ we wish everyone a very Happy and peaceful Christmas.
Anne Coles ~To Everyone, wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Jayne and Roger ~To a very special crowd, hope you all have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
Marcia & Brian ~ Merry Christmas to ALL our friends! Marilyn E ~To everyone, wishing you a special Christmas.
Kath and Dave ~To ALL our Church Family, wishing you a very Happy Christmas & may the New Year bring peace and hope to all.
Marilyn Young ~ May your Christmas be full of peace and Joy, best wishes for 2023.
John Attwood ~ Every good wish for this Christmas and throughout the coming year.
Elsie ~To ALL. Thank you all for your kind messages over the past weeks. God bless you All.
….and from Phil ~ To all my friends ~ Advent greetings from the land of concrete cows and roundabouts where there is neither a hill or a vale to be seen. I miss so much from Ponty – not least the joy of celebrating this season and the unique St David’s festivities – Amnesty Sunday, Gift Sunday, Carols and Cocktails etc… that said, I’ve had a good start over here and am looking forward to sharing the good news of Christmas with the Children and Staff of Oakhill (the secure training unit).
Here’s hoping that you get to experience God’s peace, hope, joy, and love this Christmas and that 2023 will be a blessed and beautiful year for the church. Much love from MK. Phil
Future Services
January 15th 10.45 21st Church Anniversary Service – Time to celebrate
January 22nd 10.45 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity ~ Iestyn Henson
January 29th 10.45 ~ Zoom Synod Sunday ~ Parallel Service in Church
Thought for the Week
It’s useful to remember that, getting lost to negative feelings repeatedly, can make things go out of proportion.
So it pays to be patient when things get tough, as they too shall pass like everything else.