Saint David’s Uniting Church
& Castle Square URC
Minister: Rev. Dr Phil Wall
Tel: 01443 300345 Mob: 07855090360
Admin email: [email protected]
3rd July 2022
We welcome everyone to our services this Sunday, whether you are at Castle Square, St David’s or at home.
The Service from St David’s will be live streamed. Follow this link:
Worship Leader Roulette! Well, it’s not exactly Las Vegas, but due to the URC General Assembly (details below) amongst other things, the worship leading for this week and next is different to what had been advertised.
This Sunday – Phil will lead the morning service at St David’s Uniting Church whilst Rev Simon Walkling (URC Wales Moderator) will lead the morning Communion service at Castle Square.
July 10th – Iestyn will be leading our joint morning zoom service whilst Michael will be leading a service in Gelliwastad Road for those who prefer to gather physically.
Fair-traded refreshments will be served following the service at St David’s. We invite you to join us for this time of informal fellowship and take time to look at the handmade cards which are on sale.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers.
- Please keep Ann Powell and her family in your prayers as her she has been in hospital with low oxygen levels.
- Chris Morris has had his eye operation, and all went well, his eye is swollen and red, but he’s OK.
- Loreen has had a brief spell in hospital but is now home again.
- We think of all those who are showing hospitality to Ukrainian refugees including friends of the churches, Clare & Yvonne Veal, who welcomed a family of three into their home this week.
- We are aware of a number of people who are not well at the moment – we hold them in our prayers.
- As the number of people testing positive for COVID continues to increase and the wearing of masks in hospitals has been re-introduced we think of all who work in the NHS to protect us.
- There are many who are reluctant to join us for in-house worship, they are missed but not forgotten.
The United Reformed Church General Assembly – Swanick, Derbyshire – 8-11th July
Please keep Simon, Phil, and all those giving their time to the General Assembly this year as they discuss and discern some key issues for the church and society. Those interested in reading the papers can access them here –
There are NO BIRTHDAYS that we are aware of this week. If anyone does have a birthday we hope that you are able to celebrate – if you would like to share this with us please let Colleen know.
“I would like to say a big Thank You, Diolch and Merci to each one of you who have sent me birthday cards, gifts and good wishes for my birthday. The Ramblers know which year I was born so I cannot pull the wool over their eyes re. my advancing years. Once again, a very big thank you. Viviane “
Diary for the Week ~ St David’s
Monday 4th 10.00 am Language lessons
Wednesday 6th 2.00 pm St David’s Guild see below 6.00 pm Guides.
Thursday 7th 7.00pm Tenovus ‘Sing for life’ choir.
Next Sunday 10th 10.45am Joint Zoom Service ~Iestyn Henson AND service in Church.
Castle Square
Monday 4th 10.30am Craft and Chat
Wednesday 6th 2.30pm Guild
St David’s Guild
Our friend, Dave Kitchen, will be the guest speaker at our Guild meeting next Wednesday at 2pm. The title of his talk is an intriguing one….‘Never play leapfrog with a unicorn’. All are welcome.
Upcoming Dates for the Diary
17thJuly – 6pm. For this month’s Zoom Storytelling Communion, we will be sharing stories, poems, anecdotes and prayers about baptisms
18thJuly – 7pm. St. David’s Uniting Church’s Annual Church Meeting, copies of the 2021 Church Accounts will be available in church on Sunday. Hopefully the agenda will be ready next week.
Mumbles Community Hymn Singing
If anyone is in the Mumbles on a Tuesday evening in July and August you are welcome to join the Sankey Hymn Singing Services. Each service begins at 7pm and a collection will be taken for local charities.
19 July – Tabernacle URC Church, Mumbles 26 July – Bethany Baptist Church, West Cross
2 August – Paraclete Congregational Church, Newton 9 August – Mumbles Baptist Church
16 August – Mumbles Methodist Church 23 August – Tabernacle URC Church, Mumbles
Answer to Jenny Joseph by Dorothy Walling ~ .
Last week we included a poem by Jenny Joseph entitled ‘Warning’ when it was originally written it inspired this response by Dorothy Walling ~ who, sadly is no longer with us.
Dear Jenny, when you are old you won’t want to wear purple
And if you sit on the pavement, you won’t be able to get up.
Your joints will creak, your back and knees will ache
And if you go out in the rain in slippers, you’ll get a tight pain in your chest.
You’ll need indigestion tablets if you eat sausages and pickles.
Your children will not approve of you picking other people’s flowers.
Enjoy your youth dear Jenny
Because I’ll bet you a thousand pounds to a penny
You won’t like old age at all.
Thought for the Week
“It’s important to be involved and stand up for what you believe in.” Ione Skye