Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Live Stream
28th January 2024
Welcome to our services today. A special welcome if you are worshipping with us for the first time. We invite you to join us in the hall following the service for a time of informal fellowship.
Our service today will be led by Rev Ray Vincent and we pray we may all know the joy of worship in God’s presence, and experience the challenge of his word to us.
The service will include the celebration of the Lord’s Supper and all are invited to share the bread and wine.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- Sue Skym is waiting for an update following her recent hospital treatment.
- Elsie has received good news following her scan, she will have more news when she sees her consultant.
- Kath in her concern for Dave who has an appointment this week, and what the outcome may be.
- Dorothy is patiently waiting for a date for her operation, which, hopefully will enable her to live life as she would like too and join us in person.
- Those for whom this week holds sad memories.
Diary for the Week
Monday 29th Language Class 10.00am.
Wednesday 31st St David’s Guild at 2pm – See below. Guides at 6pm
Sunday 4th Morning worship with Haydn Blackey at 10.45
Future Services
February 11th Zoom service ~ Rev Ray Vincent & Service in town ~ Michael Howells
February 18th Rev Aled Edwards
February 25th Claire Hughes
St David’s Guild
Last week we spent a fascinating afternoon as Robert shared with us just one of the many events that the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway share with visitors. School pupils and teachers stepped back in time and become evacuees during WWII – two former volunteers shared their experiences of being an evacuee.
This week Bethan will give us an insight into her role with Urdd Gobaith Cymru as Artistic Director.
There are just two birthdays that we are aware of this week: Sunday 28th Elsie Bennett, she will be celebrating with the family, and Mo Chester on Tuesday 30th. We hope you have a great day ladies!
Thanks …..
….from Sue Skym… ‘Many thanks for the lovely flowers that I received last week, they are beautiful and cheered me up. Thankyou’
…..from Pontypridd Foodbank
On behalf of the Pontypridd Foodbank, I thank you most sincerely for your very kind donation of £272.00.
Please pass on our sincerest thanks to everyone at St David’s Uniting for their continued support.
Your monies go towards our ongoing commitment in helping those requiring the use of the Pontypridd Foodbank during these difficult times. As we distribute more and more food parcels to help adults and children in need than ever before, since the beginning of January 2023 we have provided over 2900 parcels to help feed 4260 adults and 2144 (compared to 2022 figures of 2872 parcels, 3999 adults and 1749 children).
We are extremely grateful to donors like yourselves to help keep our Foodbank running.
Progress on our move to Castle Square
The pews at Castle Square will be removed next Friday by Too Good to Waste, the wood will be sold to raise money for the charity. Another step along the way.
Induction of Moderator
We’re pleased to announce that the induction service of Revd David Salsbury as Moderator of the URC National Synod of Wales, will take place on Saturday 6 April 2024 at Beulah URC, Rhiwbina, Cardiff.
More details will follow but please put the date in your diaries.
There will be a live stream available for anyone unable to attend in person.
Greetings from Canada….
….received in a letter to Alan from Peter DeJong. Peter misses Wales and the fellowship he shared in Pontypridd, he sends us his good wishes. His church has taken on a part-time minister with the surname of Evans, and says she come from good Welsh stock.
Volunteers Needed
Reshma Varghese (Lead Researcher) at Cardiff University is looking for volunteers to help with her dissertation project that aims to find out how older people in South Wales use technology to support meaningful activities and its effect on their engagement.
Contact – [email protected]
Thought for the week
Hope is some extraordinary spiritual grace that God gives us to control our fears, not to oust them.
Vincent McNabb