Saint David’s Uniting Church
Gelliwastad Road. Pontypridd CF37 2BW
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: A new number TBA
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Live Stream –
1st September 2024
We welcome everyone who joins us for our final service in Gelliwastad Road. It is the end of an era and the start of a new challenges in a new district as we move to Castle Street, Treforest.
Our good friend Dave Kitchen has the dubious honour of leading the service today. We look forward to the words of wisdom which he will share with us, may they encourage us as we continue our spiritual journey in whatever way we have chosen.
We are not able to serve refreshments after today’s service but Handmade cards will still be available, speak to Colleen if you want to purchase any.
Today’s service will as usual be live-streamed, and it will be the last time that Robert will provide this service. We are very grateful to Robert who has done this most weeks since we started it.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- Dave is still in hospital but is much improved, he is much more comfortable as various tubes have been removed, Kath is extremely grateful for the incredible support she has received both from the hospital and her church family.
- We are pleased to report that Jean is back at home, she is badly bruised, but happy to be home, and John is also glad that she is home.
- Hettie has been struggling with poor health recently, we hope the visit of her sister, who stayed with her for a while will have cheered her.
- We hold Julie Kirby in our prayers as she mourns for her husband Ian, who passed away last weekend. Julie led many services for us when she was training. She and Ian were ministers of many churches in Mid Wales.
Birthdays for the next two weeks.
There will be no newssheet next week – The editor is taking a week off!
There is one birthday this week: Annette Powell on Monday 2nd September, and 4 birthday’s the week after: Monday 9th – Marlene Rayner, Tuesday 10th – Abel Bond, who will be 10, and John Attwood, and on Saturday 14th – Ray Vincent. We hope you all enjoy your special day.
As we are holding our last service one member of our fellowship will remember the week for different reasons; 60 years ago, John Henson was looking forward to his Ordination as Minister to Carmel Chapel, which took place on 3rd September.
A Date for your Diary
The Ordination and Induction of Rev David Lloyd Powell will be held on Thursday October 10th at 7pm
….from Hilary ‘I want to say ‘Thank You’ to everyone who visited, sent or delivered cards, bought me gifts or phoned me. It’s been a busy week, rounded off with ALL my family, including the great grandchildren visiting me on Monday when we had a party! I have really enjoyed every minute of it.
Diary for the Week
There are No Meetings this week as we will be very busy moving everything to our new home.
Sunday 8th. For our monthly Zoom Service, we will be joining the Congregation at Christ Well URC, Swansea.
There will be No Service in Church.
For those without internet we suggest you take a week out and think of what the future will hold for everyone as we all move forward. Remember there is always a welcome at St David’s Uniting. In the words of the hymn …All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.
Link for the Zoom Service with Christ Well, Swansea.
Future Services
Sunday 15th Lewis Lewis-Head Sunday 22nd Rev. Martin Spain Sunday 29th Iestyn Henson
News of our First Service in Treforest
Our first service at St David’s Uniting Church, Treforest will be on Sunday September 15th. We’ll use the double doors at the side of the building as the main entrance, there are no steps.
Andrew is kindly allowing us to use Castle Court car park. There are 9 spaces available there for the less mobile. Please, park in the marked bays, access must be available at all times for Andrew and his team.
It will be great to worship and share fellowship in our new home at last!
Zoom services
Our practice of having services on Zoom on the second Sunday of the month will continue when we are in Treforest. More people will be able to access them as everyone will be able to join in while sitting in the comfortable chairs in the church. It will be like watching a Church Service on the TV in your own home, but in the company of friends.
Final update on our move to Treforest.
A reminder to those who are key holders: ALL keys must be returned to Lynda TODAY.
This week the removal firm will be packing everything that we need to take before delivering it to Treforest when we will have to arrange and put everything away! The Audio system will be installed as well.
Many will know the trauma moving can cause, so we must express our thanks to the Elders and others who have helped with clearing the cupboards and disposing of many bags to charity shops and the recycling centre, with special thanks to Kev, our handy man.
Thought for the Week
The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings,
by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.
William James. American Psychologist and Philosopher