Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
14th May 2023
We welcome everyone to our service today. If you are reading this and will not be worshipping with us in person, we apologise to you as the service will not be live streamed and although it is the second Sunday of the month there is no Zoom service this month.
This is the beginning of Christian Aid Week and we are very pleased to welcome Jennie Weaver of Christian Aid, who with members of our Justice and Peace group are leading our worship today.
We look forward to hearing more about the work of Christian Aid and this year’s campaign.
Christian Aid envelopes are available for your donations and can be placed in the offertory plate this week or next week. Don’t forget to Gift Aid your donation if you can.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week. This week, along with pastoral concerns, please remember to pray for those who add to the services in church: the organists/pianists, the readers, those who prepare and serve communion, those who give a welcome at the door, and coffee makers, and those who deal with technology.
- We continue to hold all the Walkling family and Sue’s sister Linda and her family in our thoughts and prayers as they mourn for David, a much-loved father and Taid. David’s funeral will be held at Glyntaf Crematorium on Thursday 25th at 2.15pm followed by refreshments at the Heritage Park.
- We think of those for whom this week holds sad memories and pray that they may be aware of our love and concern for them.
Did you know?
Wednesday 17th May is International Day of Homophobia Biphobia and Transphobia.
Thursday 18th May is Ascension Day.
This week is: Mental Health Awareness Week; Learning at Work Week; and Dementia Action Week:
There are six people who are celebrating their birthday’s this week: ~ Gwynedd Deville and Elsie Bond (who will be 10) both on Monday 15th; Del Doyle on Tuesday 16th; Hywel Jones on Wednesday 17th; Madeleine Howells on Friday 19th and Millie Owen on Saturday 20th. We hope you all have a great day. There will be celebrations in at least one family as Elsie, Del and Millie are 3 generations of one family!
Good News
PCW Association in the East have agreed to the sale of Church House. It will now be put into the hands of an estate agent, so look out for the For Sale sign!
Mary’s daughter, Helen, and her family, first of all wish to say thank you for all the cards and messages of sympathy that they have received over recent weeks. Also, they would like to thank all friends and neighbours, and particularly the considerable representation from the congregation of her church who came to Glyntaf to bid farewell to Mary.
Although a sad occasion, the family found the service, led by Gethin, uplifting and Mary, as an ex-chorister would surely have approved of the singing. Thank you all so much.
Donations in Lieu of Flowers
For anyone who would like to give a donation in memory of Mary, the charity is Blood Cancer UK.
For Loreen there are two charities: RNLI and Fisherman’s Mission.
There are collection plates on the table if you wish to donate to any of these charities.
Diary for the Week
Monday 15th Language Class 10.00 am
The Park Ramblers meet at 10.15 am to walk followed by coffee in Café Royale.
Tuesday 16th 50+ Armchair Yoga 1.30 pm
Wednesday 17th Guides 6.00 pm
Thursday 18th Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir 7.00 pm
Friday 19th Ynysangharad W.I meet at 1.30 pm
Sunday 21st Rev Branwen Rees will lead our service at 10.45 ~ End of Christian Aid (see below)
A Reminder!
On 21st May, Home baked cakes will be available after the service to enjoy with your coffee. If you would like to bring a cake, please let Catherine or Liz know. Proceeds will be donated to Christian Aid…so get baking!’
There is still time for you to register to come along for the whole weekend, Saturday evening or Sunday! We’re looking forward to meeting together as we consider various aspects of our theme ‘Mission is…’ – a title which emerged as a result of the feedback and conversations when we gathered in Bournemouth last year.
We’re delighted to be able to welcome Bishop Mike Royal (General Secretary of Churches Together in England) as our guest speaker this year, along with other contributors from across Baptists Together and BMS World Mission.
Future Services
May 28th Rev Ray Vincent ~ Communion Service.
June 4 th Haydn Blackey
June 11th Rev Aled Edwards
Thought for the week
With every gift. Every action. Every prayer. Every one of us can change lives.
Christian Aid Statement