Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for ZOOM:
12th November 2023
Welcome, everyone, to worship on this Remembrance Sunday, when we remember all who have died in two world wars, and in many other conflicts around the world in between and since.
Both our services will observe the National Act of Remembrance at 11.00am
On Zoom ~ Our zoom service will be led by Rev Vaughan Rees at 10.45 with the usual pre-service chat from 10.30. It is quite appropriate that Vaughan is leading this Remembrance service, the second since Phil left, as he was our Interim Moderator and guided us through our search for a minister back in 2012
In Church ~ Michael will lead a Service in Church at 10.45 An invitation is given to bring a photograph of a family member or friend to use in the service.
In Town ~ The parade will start at 10.35 and will culminate at the War Memorial where a service led by the Reverend Charlotte Rushton of St Catherine’s Church, will take place at 11am.
Handmade Cards will be available to purchase/order following the service. They include a selection for Christmas. Cards can be made for special occasions and can be personalized.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- As we remember those who have suffered loss through conflict, we give thanks for all who continue to strive to help and put themselves in danger in the current situations.
- We are very pleased that both Anne and Pat are feeling better and will be joining us for worship again.
- We think of those who are concerned for close family members and what the future holds.
- There are people who will receive results of tests this week, we pray that they are good.
- Some of our ‘older’ members are feeling ‘down’ ~ the darker winter nights might be the cause.
Thanks & Good News
Marcia and Brian both contracted Covid, but fortunately, thanks to having had the Covid Booster Jab, recovered very quickly so Brian was able to have his operation from which he is recovering. He thanks everyone for their concern and prayers.
There are no birthdays or anniversaries that we are aware of this week.
Diary for the Week
Monday 13th Language Class 10.00am.
Wednesday 15th St David’s Guild 2.00pm – see below 6pm Guides
Sunday 19th Morning worship ~ Simeon Baker Mission Director with Baptist Union of Wales
Future Services
November 26th Rev Ray Vincent ~ Communion Service
December 3rd 1st Sunday of Advent ~ Amnesty Service and Gift Sunday ~ Justice and Peace group
December 10th Monthly Zoom Service with Rev Ray Vincent – Parallel service in St David’s
St David’s Guild
Last week we were looking forward to being entertained by Eira Roberts, but due to illness the afternoon has been postponed until next year. Fortunately, Marilyn had an alternative afternoon planned – which involved us answering a range of questions which had been put to the public, and then comparing the answers.
It was an interesting afternoon!
With the changes we have had recently, this week we will, hopefully, welcome Rev Ruth Moverley who was part of the group who visited Madagascar this Summer.
Leprosy Mission
Leprosy damages the large nerves in the elbow, wrist, knee and ankle. This can lead to loss of sensation in the hands and feet and muscle paralysis, which causes clawed fingers and foot drop. Loss of sensation in the hands and feet means everyday activities are fraught with danger. Leprosy can also damage nerves in the face causing the eyelid muscles to stop working. The eyes are no longer protected by the blinking mechanism and can become easily damaged, which eventually leads to blindness.
If you have a Leprosy Mission box, please get it to Pat by the end of November. If you choose to send a cheque, please make it payable to St David’s Uniting Church.
There is a soaring demand at Foodbanks across the UK:
As approved at the Church meeting, there is a collection box for donations to the Foodbank on the table, so we urge everyone to contribute as they are able.
The Copper pot is on the table at the back of the church, if you have any small change, please, put it in the pot and it will eventually be given to a local charity.
Thought for the week
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me,
Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father, brothers all are we,
Let me walk with my brother, in perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me, let this be the moment now,
With every step I take, let this be my solemn vow,
To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally.
Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me!
Sy Miller and Jill Jackson 1955 © Jan-Lee Music