Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
12th March 2023
We welcome everyone to our services today, whether online or in person. especially if you haven’t been able to worship with us for a while.
Today is the third Sunday in Lent and also our Monthly Zoom service which is being led by Rev Ray Vincent and his theme is Things Learned in Exile.
We invite you to join us in ‘the square’ from 10.30 for a pre-service chat!
At the same time, for those who don’t have internet access or prefer ‘live’ worship, there is an alternative service at St David’s. This in-house service will be led by Michael Howells.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers.
- We remember Marlene McCloy and the family on the sudden death last weekend of Marlene’s nephew, Ryan.
- We pray for those who will gather at Glyntaf on Tuesday at 1.30 to say farewell to Edith Thomas, who was an Elder at Porth URC. Edith was able to worship with us occasionally before she moved to The Willows. Donations in lieu of flowers for Parkinson’s UK c/o Castle Court Funeral Home 1 Castle St, Treforest, Pontypridd CF37 1TA. We hold those who will miss her in our prayers.
- Cyril Davies much appreciates coming to church on Sunday mornings, and is glad of the opportunity to speak with people; he needs our support and prayers at this difficult time as he continues to try to come to terms with his recent loss of Janet. He also appreciates all those people from St. David’s who came to her funeral.
- We continue to remember those who are in hospital and their families in their concern for them.
- We are aware of several people who have contracted COVID and are unable to visit their family.
- Chris and Margaret are both in need of our prayers are not as fit as they would like to be.
- We are pleased to say that Sue Skym is recovering well from her cataract operation.
- We give thanks that Gwyneth has received good reports from her recent visit to Guys hospital.
- We think of our Church elders who have their monthly meeting this afternoon as they discuss various things relating to the smooth running of the church. They will be joined by Rev Owen Griffiths, Minister to Presbytery, who is getting to know the churches within the district.
There are 2 birthdays that we are aware of this week and they share the same day – Tuesday 14th –
Tomos Henson and Margaret Wicks. We hope you both enjoy a time of celebration.
Thanks from….
Pam …. –‘Thanks to everyone for the birthday cards and wishes I received. Diolch yn fawr Iawn’
Pat Cooke….’I wish to say ‘Thankyou’ to those who remembered my birthday and sent me cards and good wishes, they were much appreciated.
Diary for the Week
Monday 13th Language Class 10.00 am
Wednesday 15th St David’s Guild – 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm (see below) Guides – 6pm
Thursday 16th Lent Study – 2.00pm – (see Lents Groups) Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir 7.00 pm
Saturday 18th Zoom Synod Meeting – anyone interested in attending, please contact Lynda.
Sunday 19th Mothering Sunday with Rev Aled Edwards at 10.45 am.
St David’s Guild
The snow caused us to cancel last week’s meeting – We were to have had the company of Dave Kitchen; this is the second time we have had to postpone his visit –we will have to wait until our autumn session to find out what ‘Never leapfrog over a unicorn!’ is all about
This week Helen Williams will tell us all about the role she plays in the work of Pontypridd Town Council.
Lent Groups
The Lent Group meeting this week is at the home of Claire Hughes. The sign-up sheets are on the table. Please add your name if you are going so the host can cater and have enough chairs!
Future meetings are:
Tuesday 21st March, 2pm at Sue Walkling’s home
Wednesday 29th March, 7:30 pm at Pam Mahoney’s home
Future Services
March 26th Passion Sunday ‘Women of Holy Week’ ~ Worship Group.
April 2nd Palm Sunday Haydn Blackey
Be a Hero!
Pontypridd Town Council is looking for Volunteers to help with ‘Supporting Warm Spaces’. Could YOU spare a morning or afternoon at one of the Community Spaces and make hot drinks and keep people company? If YES – you are needed. More details are on the Notice boards
Volunteers needed during Ramadan
The Chaplaincy at South Wales University in Treforest will be providing meals each evening between 7.30-9.30 as Muslims break their fast Ramadan as they break their Fast. ~ Ramadan is from 22 March – 21 April. If you can help, even if it is only on one evening, please speak to Ray Vincent or contact: Phone: 01443 654060 Email:[email protected]
Thought for the week
‘By three methods we may learn wisdom:
First, by reflection, which is noblest;
second, by imitation, which is easiest;
and third, by experience, which is the bitterest.’