Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
11th December 2022
Today is the third Sunday in advent and is known as Gaudate (Joy) Sunday
Claire Hughes will be leading our ZOOM service at 10.45 when we will hear about The Courage of Mary.
We invite you to join us in ‘the square’ from 10.30 for a pre-service chat!
At the same time, for those who don’t have internet access or prefer ‘live’ worship there is an alternative service at St David’s. This in-house service will be led by Michael Howells.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers.
- We continue to keep Imogen and the family in our prayers: She will not return to school until the New Year, so will be missing all the pre-Christmas activities, something she was really looking forward to.
- We were glad to hear that Elsie came home last weekend and is now waiting to see her consultant and find out if she will need further treatment
- Many will know that Linda Tustin had a fall while George was in Wales, she is recovering but has to visit an orthopaedic consultant weekly, at the moment and the health centre to have dressings changed.
This week’s birthdays are: – Today (Sunday 11th) Sue Walkling and Friday 16th Mike O’Callaghan Williams.
We hope you both enjoy your celebrations.
….From Elsie ~ Thankyou everyone for the beautiful flowers, the good wishes, cards and phone calls! I’m so lucky to have the support of so many people. I’m doing all that I’ve been told to do, and hope to be back in church soon.
…Verbal thanks have been received from Pobl and Homestart for the gifts.
Diary for the Week
Monday 12th Language Classes – 10.00 to 12.00 Carol Singing at Aspen House from 14.30
Tuesday 13th Church Meeting at 19.00 (see below)
Wednesday 14th St David’s Guild – 14.00 to15.30 (see below) Guides 18.00 to19.30
Thursday 15th Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir 18.30 to19.30.
Friday 16th Hatha Yoga Classes 9.30 to 11.30 Ynysangharad WI – 1.30 to 3.30.
Sunday 18th Nativity Service arranged by Iestyn
Church Meeting
We realise that for many an evening meeting may be difficult, but we urge you to attend if you can as we plan for future ministry! Apologies should be given to your Elder or Lynda. Items on the agenda include 1.Update on Castle Square. 2. Approval and Acceptance of the Profile, copies are available and have also been emailed. 3. Vote on the resolution recommended by the Elders regarding New ministry.
St David’s Guild
Last week’s guild was a craft session led by our very own expert Colleen. We made beautiful Christmas baskets which we decorated and which would hold chocolates or nuts for example. A lot of background work had been prepared by Colleen – so much cutting out of shapes and countless holes punched into card – assisted by Carol and Ann Coles, after an explanation from Colleen, everyone made a really good strong decorated Christmas basket.
We look forward to Sue Walkling leading this week. She has something planned that will entertain us (all will be revealed on Wednesday) -Sue will also bring along some tasty Christmas treats.
Christmas Appeal ~ a reminder
Gift Envelopes are on the table for our monetary gifts which this year are for Llamau, which supports homeless young people, and Christian Aid, to help fight global poverty, if you gift aid, please put your name on the back. The appeal will close on 31st December!
Christmas Cards
It’s two years since we last had the Christmas Greetings board and card sorter in place.
As we aim to be an Eco Church, we suggest that it might be good to send just one card to our church friends, and give a donation to charity. Cards will be pinned to the greetings board and listed in the newsletter.
For those who wish to send individual cards, they can be put in the sorter and we ask that everyone checks to see if any cards have been left
for them. The last day to guarantee Royal Mail 2nd class delivery is 12th Dec.
Carol Singing at Sainsbury’s
After thinking we would not be able to serenade the customers at Sainsbury’s we have now been given a slot to sing Carols and bring joy to everyone as they shop.
We will be singing from 6 pm on Thursday 22nd December and collecting for Christian Aid.
All are welcome to join us. If you have a festive hat or jumper please wear it!
Park Ramblers News
Every week we have a question to answer; we give a donation for this privilege! Our donations this year have raised £180 for Pontypridd Foodbank. Their response ~‘This donation will help us to continue to help those in our community facing crisis this winter’ With Thanks and Blessings.
Future Services
December 24th 16.00 Christmas Eve Communion – Sue Walkling
December 25th 10.30 All Age Celebration Service – Michael Howells
January 1st 10.45 Rev Simon Walkling
Thought for the Week
Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and just listen.’
Bobby (7yr old)