Saint David’s Uniting Church
& Castle Square URC
Minister: Rev. Dr Phil Wall
Tel: 01443 300345 Mob: 07855090360
Admin email: [email protected]
25th September 2022
Welcome everyone! We are at the end of the season of creation and we celebrate with our Harvest Service, when we will bring our gifts for the local foodbank and give monetary donations to the PCW quinquennial appeal –‘Seeds of Hope’ – which supports Christian Aid’s work for climate justice in Kenya. Envelopes are at the back of the church, if you wish to gift aid your donation, please put your name on the envelope.
During our service we will celebrate Holy Communion, ordain Claire Hughes and Sue Walkling as elders and welcome Gwynedd Deville as a member of our fellowship.
As a tri denominational fellowship, we are pleased that Phil Clarke from PCW and Karen Kaneen from South Wales Baptist are present to witness the ordination of our new Elders.
The service will be live streamed –
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers.
- We continue to hold Heather and the family in our prayers as they prepare for Jeffs funeral, which will take place on Wednesday 28that 2.15pm.
- We pray for Pat as Gareth is still in hospital and should return home soon.
- Martha is still in Llywnypia and is continuing to improve and has received a visit from Phil and Jan.
- Imogen’s (Gwyneths Grandaughter) operation has been postponed again as she has tested positive for COVID which Gwyneth and Rob have now also contracted.
- Hilary from Castle Square ahs not been too well, but is on the mend!
- Sharon has been not too well recently; we hope she improves.
- There a couple of people who are concerned for the health of close relatives or are waiting for tests and tests results.
There are three birthday’s that we know of this week; ~ Sunday 25th – Marlene McCloy, Monday 26th – Sharon Burgess and on Wednesday 28th – Lesley Mower-Hill. Enjoy your celebrations ladies however you choose to celebrate.
Good News
The ‘Open the Book’ team are at last able to visit Coedylan Primary School this Thursday morning.
Tea, Coffee and Handmade Cards
We invite you to stay and chat after the service when a selection of handmade cards will on sale in the hall. Large cards are £2 and small are £1.50. All proceeds go to church funds.
Services Next Sunday
St David’s at 10.45 – Haydn Blackey will lead our morning worship
Castle Square at 12.30pm – Phil will lead our Final Communion service, please note the different time! Following the service, we will make our way to The Otley for a celebratory lunch at 2pm
News from the Church Meeting
Brian was thanked for his time as Pulpit Secretary.
Catherine asked that those who are able look at the web site and let her know if anything needs to be added.
All suggestions will be gratefully received.
Agreed to review the pattern of services in the New Year.
It was agreed that our service on Sunday, October 23rd would be held at Castle Square so that we could ‘get a feel’ of worshiping there. It will just be those who choose to go as Castle Square folk do not have a service on the 4th Sunday. All are welcome!
Castle Square News
Letter from Carol ~ Malarchi Trust
Dear Jan,
We’re in India for September in sweltering high temperatures, far higher than usual. Ranjini (Castle Square’s former sponsored child) came to one of the group day-long sessions for children and mothers. They all had a lovely time as usual with gifts, new clothes etc etc then today, we were driving through her village when her school let the children out for lunch and there she was! She immediately spotted us outside a temple that we’d stopped to look at. She was delighted to show us off to her friends. * Pics taken there on a separate email.
We feel as if we have a magic wand following the wonderful legacy the Trust received. We’ve been able to authorise so many things, more children admitted to Outreach, more elderly to the feeding project, re-roofing some dwellings of elderly that were pitifully patched with plastic bags, a calliper for a young man etc etc. We feel blessed and thrilled to be able to do so much without a thought about finances.
Best wishes to all my friends at Castle Square. *Speak to Jan if you want to see the photos
Carol x
Please Support Pam and Pipal Tree!
Pam Mahoney has been undertaking a sponsored walk clocking up 400 km (over time!) which is mirroring a walk being undertaken on the Pennine Way. The money raised will go to the charity “Pipal Tree” helping women and girls in Nepal. Rescuing them from trafficking and giving them the skills to enable them to work in the community. (We had a talk on this in Ladies Guild back October 2019) There is a sign-up sheet for any donations at the back of the church.
Floods Appeal
There is still time to donate to the appeal. There are collection plates on the table or you can donate on line
Party Time
A reminder that on the 29th October, all friends, affiliates, and members of our churches are invited to St. David’s Uniting Church for a party. Everyone connected to both churches would be very welcome –
4:30pm – Please come from this time and bring something to add to our bring and share buffet
5pm – The twmpath begins!
7:30pm – Quiz answers given and prizes awarded
8pm – Carriages
A sign-up sheet will be available next month.
An Appeal from the Chaplaincy
Next week from Monday 26th to Friday 30th September the Chaplaincy will be serving Soup and Bread at Lunchtime (between 12pm and 2pm) at the Meeting House. Help is needed between 11.45 and 2.15 most days to serve the Soup and Bread. Contact John Lipscombe on 01443 654060 if you can help.
St David’s Guild
Our first weekly Guild meeting for the Autumn will be on Wednesday 5th October at 2pm. We would love to welcome new members. Marilyn has arranged an interesting programme with a mix of Guest speakers. ‘Fun Afternoons’, and topical events. For our first meeting we will discover some of Colleen’s talents!
URC Jubilee Celebrations which were due to be held in London on October 1st have been postponed due to the news, which has been confirmed, that there will be rail strikes on October 1st and 5th – a new date is to be announced!
Thought for the Week
Transforming hope
Without hope we are restricted to the legacy of the past and the circumstances of the present.
But the Spirit brings God’s future into our present.
Therefore we do not need to make things happen….To force things.
Hope places God at the centre of our life and action
as we look for his kingdom and for his Spirit to guide and empower us.