Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
4th June 2023
Welcome everyone who joins us for worship today which is Trinity Sunday in the church calendar, and also Pride month.
We are very pleased to welcome our good friend Haydn Blackey who is leading our worship today.
If you are a visitor or worshipping with us for the first time you are especially welcome and we invite you to join us in the hall following the service to share in a time of informal fellowship with a cup of tea or coffee and some cake!
A good selection of Homemade cards for all occasions will also be available. All proceeds for church funds.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- Our Church Elders as they meet with Elders of the Valleys Pastorate on Friday to plan to call a minister.
- We pray for Ianto and Bethan in their concern for Ianto’s Mum who is due to have an operation.
- We think of Margaret Morris who will have a cataract operation on Tuesday.
- We give thanks for ‘good’ news and we remember those for whom news has not been so good.
- We think of all are taking exams and the knock-on effect they have on their families.
There is only one birthday that we know of this week. Stephanie will be celebrating on Tuesday 6th. We hope you have a great day.
Good News
We congratulate Claire who has passed her Level 1 course in British Sign Language. She is absolutely thrilled and will be starting level 2 in September.
….From John and Jean…. for the gift received from the church. They are very grateful for visits and the care and concern that is shown to them.
‘Thank you to all those who made donations to Macmillan and Marie Curie in memory of David Jones. We really appreciate the support we have felt from our church family. A special thank you to Claire for a lovely service with care filled preparation and follow up. Sue, Simon, Linda, Paul and all the family’
Refugee Week 19th– 25thJune
On 24th June we will be holding an ‘Open Door’ Evening to welcome refugees and asylum seekers who live locally. There will be games, crafts and a chance for refugees to find out more about what opportunities there are for them in the area. All are welcome and refreshments will be provided. Make a date in your diary and why not come along?
Bus Trip….
….. to Sidmouth on Tuesday 27th June. 50+ have arranged the trip and have spare seats on their coach -if anyone is interested, the price is £15 and will leave Pontypridd bus station at 9am. Names to Marcia please.
Diary for the Week
Monday 5th Language Class
Tuesday 6th 50+ Yoga Class – 1.30 -3.30pm
Wednesday 7th St David’s Guild meet at 2.00pm. See below
Guides – 6.00pm
Thursday 8th Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir – 7.00 – 8.00pm
Friday 9th Ynysangharad WI – 1.30 – 3.30pm
Sunday 11th Zoom Service with Gwen Simmons opens at 10.30am. Alternative Service at 10.45am in the Church led by Michael Howells
St David’s Guild
For our second monthly meeting, we will be revisiting Patagonia with Dilys. Many had the pleasure of this
‘talk’ 5 years ago! Those who haven’t experienced Dilys’s recollections of her visit are in for a treat
Future Services
June 18th Rev Aled Edwards June 25th Rev Martin Spain July 2nd Peter Noble
Elders – Vacancies
Sue Walkling and Peter Davies will be finishing as Elders at the Church Meeting. We are grateful for all they have done this past year.
Nomination forms for two places on the eldership are now available. Please speak with your elder/pastoral buddy if you are unable to pick one up. Those members we have email addresses for will receive a nomination slip by email.
Here’s the t’s and c’s…!
Current eldership: Lynda Bull, Peter Davies, Liz Henson, Michael Howells, Claire Hughes, Robert James, Viviane Lamare, Pam Mahoney, Maralyn Tomlinson, Sue Walkling
All St. David’s Uniting Church members can nominate any other church member whom they deem to have the gifts and graces to serve God through church eldership. More than one name can be given and neither a seconder, nor the permission of the person you’re nominating needs to be sought. Please take some time to prayerfully consider this. All forms must be received by 18th June. Elders will be affirmed at the AGM on July 10th.
New Ministry
The Elders will be meeting with elders from the other churches in the proposed Valleys Pastorate on June 9th. We will be talking about what we need to do, as individual churches and together, to move forward with the process of calling a minister.
Mission Together
The main purpose of Mission Together is to have the opportunity to tell how things are going in our church and to hear stories of the other churches in the RCT Mission Partnership. A chance to share our hopes, anxieties and setbacks and give encouragement to each other. The meeting is on Thursday 15th June, at 7pm If anyone is interested in representing St David’s more details are available from Lynda.
Churches Unlocked 2023
A Flower Festival and other events are taking place at St Gwynno’s, Llanwonno, CF37 3PH ~ The church will be open daily between 10am to 4pm from 3rd to 11th June.
Thought for the Week
God is not silent. It is the nature of God to speak.
The second person of the Holy Trinity is called ‘The Word’
A.W Tozer
Hope the service goes that side but I do still call for support and help from st David’s unting church’s because the situation here is not good to the entire family of LGBTQ communities mostly the Refugees in Kenya thank