Saint David’s Uniting Church
& Castle Square URC
Minister: Rev. Dr Phil Wall
Tel: 01443 300345 Mob: 07855090360
Admin email: [email protected]
This week is Prisons Week of Prayer .
Our service today is a joint ZOOM Service when we get together before and after the service for informal chat. The service is normally led by Phil, but as he is in Budapest at the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe conference, the service is being led by Rev Ray Vincent. The link opens at 10.30 for pre-service chat.
At the same time, for those who don’t have internet access or prefer ‘live’ worship there is an alternative service at St David’s. We thank Michael for facilitating the in-house service.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers.
- We continue to keep Pat and Gareth in our prayers: Gareth is devasted, very weak, and very poorly.
- Martha is much better and eating and mobilising well.
- Following the results of scans, Elsie is now waiting for an operation date, hopefully it will be soon.
- Ann Powell has been in hospital again; She is now back at home but far from well.
- Kath will be having a colonoscopy this week and surgery in the coming weeks.
- Phil George, who would have been leading our worship next Sunday, is currently in Llandough Hospital having suffered a stroke, we have sent our good wishes to him for a full recovery.
- There a several people who are waiting for results and/or waiting for more tests.
- Please pray for our elders as they meet with representatives from Baptists, PCW and URC to discuss provision of future ministry.
- Jayne has had her last day in work as the care home has closed, her knee is still giving her a lot of pain.
- We remember those of our fellowship who are unable to remember us, and we pray for their well-being,
Good News
The Monday language class have welcomed their first Ukrainian student who has made an enthusiastic start.
The Al Numerie family are thankful that after 6 years of trying their eldest daughter is being allowed to move to the UK from Lebanon. She has been living in dire conditions.
Robert’s great niece, Sofia, has had a positive report from the consultant and is beginning to feel and look like her old self.
Hilary has a new TV – with a large screen…..she can now see the faces of people in her favourite programs!
Birthdays & Anniversaries
There is just one person that we are aware of with a birthday this week.
Diana Hayns who is a resident in Trafalgar Park Nursing Home is celebrating TODAY – Sunday 9th.
We send our Good Wishes to Ann and John Edwards who celebrate their Diamond Wedding this week.
Love and Congratulations from everyone at Castle Square.
Thanks from…..
Pat – thanks to everybody who is for praying and thinking of us. Bless you all.
Kath – thanks everyone for their concern and good wishes as she faces another operation.
Diary for the Week
Monday 10th Language Classes 10.00-12.00 FILIA ART Group 13.00-15.00
Rev Ray Vincent is leading a short service at Aspen House Nursing Home at 14.30.
Wednesday 13th St David’s Guild 14.00 -15.30 (see below…) Guides 18.00-19.30
Thursday 14th Sing for Life Choir 18.30-19.30.
Sunday 16th See – Sunday Services
St David’s Guild
Last week’s meeting certainly tested us….we had to identify different retail stores from a small portion of their shop signs. This week Robert James will share a pictorial talk relating to Black History Month.
We will have our last afternoon with Phil on October 19th! Please join us.
Sunday Services
St David’s
October 16th – 10.45 The service will be led (at short Notice) by Iestyn Henson.
6pm. Zoom Communion
Phil will lead this month’s storytelling communion at which you’re invited to bring a story, poem, anecdote on the topic of ‘friendship’. Whether you have a story to share, or simply want to listen and break bread with friends, all are very welcome.
October 23rd Our service will be held at Castle Square: We are encouraged to attend this service so that we can ‘get a feel’ of worshiping
there. Castle Square folk only have two services a month and do not meet on this Sunday.
To aid with parking (particularly during the current nearby roadworks) the map shows the three nearest car parks to Castle Square URC.
For space, can we ask only those carrying heavy items or with mobility issues to use the Castle Court Car Park. The timings are Phil’s walking speed so if you’re older or a hobbit, you might want to multiply them by 2! If you would like a lift – please ask!
- Castle Court Car Park – 1-minute walk, flat – 12 spaces
- River Street Car Park – 2-minute walk, slight slope – 5 spaces (usually 10)
- Treforest Station Car Park – 3-minute walk, steep steps – 112 spaces
October 30th , 10.45 Phil’s Final Service – In St David’s Uniting Church -with input from Castle Square and St. David’s
Castle Square
October 16th, 11am – Final Sunday morning worship, led by Ray.
October 30th, 3pm – A chance to chat over a cuppa before the Castle Square Thanksgiving Service at 4pm, where we will thank God for the worship and witness of Castle Square over 117 years.
Phil’s Farewell Party–
Church party from 4.30 – 8pm on Saturday 29th October, before Phil’s last services with both churches the following day.
4:30pm – Please come from this time and bring something to add to our bring and share buffet
5pm – The Twmpath begins! 7:30pm – Quiz answers given and prizes awarded 8pm – Carriages
A sign-up sheet with food suggestions is on the table…..we don’t want too many sausage rolls!!.
Anyone wanting to contribute to a farewell gift for Phil can give their donation to Anne Coles, Lynda or make a bank transfer. Cheques to be made payable to St David’s Uniting Church, for bank transfers please use the reference GIFT.
Phil on Farewell Tour – the European Leg!!!
This week – through one of his wider church roles – Phil is in Budapest, speaking at the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe’s conference on ‘The mixed economy of church’. Arranged back in 2019, the conference brings together delegates from across Europe to reflect upon how the Church engages with the wider society today. Phil is the UK delegate at the conference and will be sharing some of the findings from his PhD research alongside the experience of ministry in South Wales.
“Seeing as I passed my PhD viva just 2 weeks into my ministry here, it seems fitting that I’m sharing my research and experience in pastorate near the end of my ministry here too – and I’ll be certainly doing my part for the Welsh tourist industry!”
Prisons Week of Prayer 2022
Given Phil’s next role, and St. David’s Uniting Church’s place on the Welcome Directory (a charity which helps faith communities become places where prison leavers might find acceptance –The Welcome Directory.
Lord, you offer freedom to all people. We pray for those in prison. Break the bonds of far and isolation that exist. Support with your love prisoners and their families and friends, prison staff and all who care. Heal those who have been wounded by the actions of others, especially the victims of crime. Help us to forgive one another, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly together with Christ in his strength and in his Spirit, now and every day. Amen
A prayer a day at
Cardiff Half Marathon – Update
Alison smashed her 2019 time by an incredible 20 minutes. completing the course in 2hrs and 53 minutes, and she raised over £1000 for British Heart Foundation her target was £500!
Matt from Castle Square, also achieved a better time than on his previous runs.
Thought for the week
Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality
Malala Yousafzai