Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Live Stream –
7th April 2024
We give a warm welcome to everyone who joins us for worship today, especially if you are a visitor or worshipping with us for the first time.
We are pleased to welcome Lewis Lewis-Head of Caerphilly who is leading our service today. His reflection will focus on ‘the wall we build’. We look forward to this time of fellowship.
Fair-traded refreshments will be served in the hall following the service. We invite you to join us for this time of informal fellowship when Colleen’s Handmade Cards will be available to purchase/or order. Large cards are £2 and small ones £1.50. All proceeds go to church funds.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- We hold Renda in our prayers as the birth of her baby is imminent
- There are many members of our fellowship or connected to it, who have been affected by cancer, some are receiving treatment which is quite challenging. We give thanks for the care of those who administer it.
- Many people are coping with the usual aches and pains, some are, thankfully, receiving great treatment, others are frustrated because they are still waiting. We hope that they will all receive the care that they need without too much delay.
We are only aware of one person celebrating a birthday this week: Dianne Davies on Wednesday 10th
Thanks to….
…. all who arranged and took part in our Holy Week and Easter Services. We are so fortunate in having people who can deliver such inspiring services.
Thanks from….
….Brian. I wish to thank everyone who has been so kind and supportive to me over the recent months, I look forward to being able to join you in church in the coming weeks…. In the meantime, I am grateful that I am able to join the service live from the comfort of my armchair. Thankyou all for your prayers and concern.
Diary for the Week
Monday 8th Language class at 10.00am
Park Ramblers meet by Nat West Bank at 10.15 – Coffee in The Café Royale
Sunday 14th Zoom Service with Rev Ray Vincent opens at 10.30am. (see below)
Alternative Service at 10.45am in the Church led by Michael Howells
ZOOM Service Guest.
At our ZOOM we will be welcoming Faruk Ogut, from Displaced People in Action? In 2006 we initially pledged to support DPIA for 3 years; in 2009 the decision was made to continue supporting the organisation. We look forward to Faruk telling us something about who they are and what they do.
St David’s Guild
Apologies! The wrong date was given for our first monthly meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for 24th April when we will pay a pictorial visit to Gibraltar. We will meet in the Victoria room at 2pm.
Church Meeting
Our Church Meeting is on Monday April 15th at 7pm. Copies of the minutes of the last meetings and the agenda are on the table at the back. Please sign the Apology sheet if you are unable to attend.
If anyone would like to lead the opening worship at the meeting, please let Maralyn know.
Future Services
April 21st Haydn Blackey April 28th Rev Martin Spain May 5th Rev Owen Griffiths
Gaza Appeal
The Elders have agreed to support the URC Commitment for Life appeal for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Collection plates will be at the back of the Church for the next few weeks.
The aim is to raise £5,000 to help provide vital support and aid through partner agencies Christian Aid, the Culture and Free Thought Association (CFTA), and the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committee (PARC).
Recent reports reveal a grim reality: on 18 March, it was declared Gaza’s two million people are experiencing “severe levels of acute food insecurity”.
In a statement, the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations’ High Representative Josep Borrell and Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič said: “This is unprecedented. No IPC (Integrated Food Security Phase Classification) analysis has ever recorded such levels of food insecurity anywhere in the world.”
This is first time an entire population has been classified in this way.
Please respond as you are able
Anagrams for Easter – The Answers
- segregate Easter egg
- sorcerer unit Resurrection
- Aretha Pepys Happy Easter
- Dody Figaro Good Friday
- Anette huggers Easter Egg hunt
- fox Rici unci Crucifixion
- Andra duty mushy Maundy Thursday
- Alys DNA ump Palm Sunday
- shades yawned Ash Wednesday
- Carrie vestees Easter Service
- apple rusts Last supper
- Salopian spy Passion Play
Thought for the week
It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.
Robert H. Schuller