Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Live Stream –
5th May 2024
We are very pleased that we can offer you all a warm welcome to our church today as the boiler has been repaired! We are grateful to those who gave their time to enable the engineer to carry out the repair.
As a church with three parent denominations, Baptist, Presbyterian Church of Wales and United Reform Church. we try to invite guest preachers each of the denominations, which is not easy.
Today we are delighted to welcome Rev Owen Griffiths, Minister for South East Wales Presbytery.
We pray for us all a time of rich blessing, but also of challenge, through his ministry, we may all receive the blessing that we most need.
Fair-traded refreshments will be served in the hall following the service. We invite you to join us for this time of informal fellowship when you will also have a chance to peruse the handmade cards that will be on sale, with all proceeds going to Church Funds
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- We hold of Alison, Steve and the family, as they prepare their final goodbye to Alison’s Mum, Diana Hayns, on Monday 13th May 10.30am at Glyntaf, Donations in lieu of flowers to Dementia UK, 7thFloor, One Aldgate, London EC3N 1RE
- Elsie has had her results and has to have yet two more appointments before starting treatment.
- Brian is being well looked after in Royal Glamorgan, he has been moved three times and is currently on ward 5, but at least he still has the same bed! He is getting to know the staff very well.
- Dave has completed his first week of treatment and he and Kath are coping with the daily journey.
- Jean Davies has had breathing difficulties and is taking antibiotics; we hope they make her better.
- Give thanks for those who share their talents with us by contributing to our services through providing musical accompaniment, reading, greeting people, stewarding or dealing with IT.
- Stephen Best, who chaired some of our Church Meetings and been a great support to the Elders at this time of change, retired last week. We wish him well.
There are three birthdays that we are aware of this week: Graham Healy on Wednesday 8th and Ben Walkling &Steve Jones on Thursday 9th. However you choose to celebrate, have a great day guys.
Diary for the Week
Monday 29th Language class at 10.00am.
Park Ramblers meet by Nat West Bank at 10.15 – Coffee in The Café Royale
Sunday 12th Christian Aid Week with guest Rebecca Elliot at 10.45am NO Zoom Service
Christian Aid Week 2024
Christian Aid envelopes are at the back of the Church, please fill in the attached slip if you wish to gift aid your donation.
Our service next week to commence Christian Aid week will be followed by tea/coffee and cakes. All money raised will be donated to Christian Aid. If you would like to bring a cake to sell, please let Liz or Catherine know.
Future Services
May 19th Iestyn Henson May 26th Maggie Kirkbride June 2nd Dave Kitchen
Castle Square Update
Good News! The work on the Castle Square building ~ soon to be our new spiritual home! ~ has started:
The aim is to finish by the middle of August.
Dates for your Diary
An Evening of Singing, Dancing and Music from Madagascar
at 7pm on June 16th, at Llanfair Uniting Church, Penrhys.
This is a free concert with a retiring collection
Many will remember the colourful, lively and entertaining concert they gave here a few years ago on their last visit to UK. They are a group of volunteers, self-funded who do a great deal of charity work in Madagascar, they will also be participating in a service at Llanfair. Penrhys on Sunday June 16th at 3 pm for anyone who’d like to attend. Anyone intending on going to the concert who has space for passengers is asked to contact Pam.
Celebration Service for St David’s Uniting Church
As we prepare to move to Castle Square the Worship Group and Elders have started to plan a Celebration Service to mark the extraordinary journey of St David’s Uniting Church. The service will take place on Saturday 20th July. Details to follow, but please make a note in your diaries and if you would like to be involved in any way at all, please let your Elder know.’
The Copper pot is on the table at the back of the church, if you have any small change, please, put it in the pot and it will eventually be given to a local charity.
Thought for the week
O Lord, build us into one Church:
A Church with open doors and large windows,
A Church which takes the world seriously,
Ready to work and to suffer,
And even to bleed for it.
Bela Vassady