Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Livestream
4th December 2022
We welcome everyone who joins us for worship today as we celebrate the second Sunday of Advent, which is also our ‘Gift Sunday’. Our own Rev Ray Vincent will be leading the service.
As usual, we are accepting gifts for Pobl (formerly Adref Homeless) and Homestart who help children and teenagers! The gifts aren’t wrapped, they will be put in bags to make it easier for distribution. This year our monetary gifts will be for Llamau, which supports homeless young people, and Christian Aid, to help fight global poverty – Gift Envelopes are on the table, if you gift aid, please put your name on the back. The closing date will be 18th December.
Tea and coffee will be served in the hall following the morning service, and the hand-made Christmas cards will be on sale, please join us for this time of informal fellowship.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers.
- We ask your prayers for Imogen and the family. Imogen had an emergency operation and it was critical, thankfully she is ‘out of the woods now’. We hold them all in our prayers as she recovers.
- We are pleased to report that Elsie has phoned to say that as far as she knows the operation went well and she is recovering.
- David is home! – he will have another meeting with the consultant before he has the operation, we hope he doesn’t have to wait too long.
- We think of those who have suffered from falls and those concerned about relatives who have had falls, some involving multiple broken bones.
- We hold the Elders in our prayers as they meet this afternoon to look at our Church Profile and plan the agenda for our Church Meeting
on December 13th. - We think of Pat Cooke’s stepdaughter who will be facing major surgery just before Christmas, and for Pat in her concern for her.
- 25 Nov–10 Dec 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence
- 10th Dec Human Rights Day
Just two birthdays this week and both on the same day, although not born the same year!! Jean Davies and Marilyn Edwards will be celebrating on Friday 9th. We wish them both an enjoyable day.
Good News
The Park Ramblers will at last all meet together as they have their first Christmas meal since Covid!
They will meet at 11.30 on Monday 5th December to walk around the park before heading to the Café Royale for lunch at 12.30.
Diary for the Week
Monday 5th Language Classes – 10.00 to 12.00
Wednesday 7th St David’s Guild – 14.00 to15.30 (see below) Guides 18.00 to19.30
Thursday 8th Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir 18.30 to 19.30.
Friday 9th Hatha Yoga Classes 9.30 to 11.30 Ynysangharad WI – 1.30 to 3.30.
Sunday 11th Our Zoom Service opens at 10.30 – Claire has planned our worship.
Michael will lead a service in St David’s for those who prefer ‘in person’ worship
St David’s Guild
Last week we learned some amazing things about carols, we will need to ‘up’ the tempo of one of our traditional carols and, in another case sing a different tune, and we only heard about 6? carols!
This week we will find out how we can be creative as we will learn how to make Christmas Boxes with a lot of help from Colleen, we can do it!
An Invitation.
From Dar-Ul-Isra Mosque (21-23 Wyeverne Road, Cathays, Cardiff) to an interfaith event –
Jesus in Islam and Christianity on Thursday 8th December at 7.15pm
The speakers are:
Rev Dr James Siemens, an Orthodox Christian Chaplain from Cardiff University
Rev Zoe King, Ministerial Area Leader from All Saints Church Barry
Sheikh Asim Hafeez, Imam and Kateeb from Dar-Ul-Isra Mosque
All of our speakers will discuss the Importance of Jesus and Christmas from their faith perspective. We will close with a QA session and the mosque has arranged for a hot 2-course Middle Eastern dinner to be served, cooked by Chef Medhat, a professional Chef who volunteers at the mosque.
No special attire is needed, we just ask for shoes to be removed as you enter the prayer hall where the event will take place. Dinner will be served at 8:30 pm. There is a poster on this Web Site.
This is an open invitation to all. Just book your free tickets via:
Advent Flyers
Bethan has done a brilliant design job! If you haven’t received this year’s flyer there are some spares on the table. There is a separate one for the Our Carols and Cocktails event at Clwb y Bont. Make a note of the date and arrange to bring your friends along it will be a great night and we’ll be raising money for Christian Aid.
Coffee after Services…
This is an important part of our service – it’s when we chat with friends and share time together. Remember before Covid we served tea and
coffee every week – now it’s only on the 1st and 3rd Sundays.
We would love more volunteers. At the moment we will NOT be serving Coffee on New Year’s Day, as none of the regular volunteers are available, we are in need of someone to help out! Please speak to Liz or Catherine if you can help.
A Christmas List
“Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more;
talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all good things will be yours.”