Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Live Stream –
3rd December 2023
We welcome you all to our service today, the first Sunday in Advent, as share God’s news with everyone in our Amnesty International Service, which is being led by the Justice and Peace group.
It is also ‘Gift Sunday’ when we bring our gifts for the children supported by Homestart and for residents at the Mill Street Hostel, which is run by Pobl.
There will be a short break following the service when you are welcome to get a ‘cuppa’ from the hall.
We will then hold our Church meeting, when Chris Atherton, a member of the Synod Team, is coming to tell us what has to happen before our move to Castle Square/new St David’s!
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- We continue to pray for those who are unable to worship with us for many different reasons.
- We still hold those who have recently been bereaved in our prayers.
- We are pleased to say that Brian returned home on Thursday. He had scans, some of the results were not easy to hear, he has an appointment with his consultant on Thursday, when we will learn more.
- Elsie has had her scan but has to wait until Friday for the results.
- Jayne Bright has been feeling under-the-weather lately, hopefully new medication will help.
- We give thanks for those who add to the services in church: the organists/pianists, the readers, those who prepare and serve communion, those who deal with technology, those who give a welcome at the door, and those who serve refreshments after the service.
Thanks …..
John Peterkin thanks you all for your concern and prayers for his nephew Jack, who suffered serious brain damage in a car accident in July. He is making slow but steady progress, but still has a long way to go. John asks that you continue to pray for him and his family.
Good News
We share Marlene’s joy that she was able to attend her granddaughter’s graduation in Bristol last weekend and that she is now celebrating with another granddaughter, who is celebrating her 18th birthday this weekend, and has recently passed her driving test.
We have two birthday’s that we are aware of this week ~ Both on the same day, Saturday 9th.
Jean Davies and Marilyn Edwards. We hope you will both have enjoyable day however you celebrate.
Diary for the Week
Monday 4th Language Class 10.00am.
Wednesday 6th St David’s Guild 2.00pm – see below 6pm Guides
Sunday 10th 2nd Sunday of Advent ~Zoom service with Rev Ray Vincent. The chat room will be open from 10.30.
A parallel service will be held in Gelliwastad Road, led by Michael Howells.
Carol Singing at Sainsbury’s 2.30pm. Christmas Jumpers / Hats may be worn.
Future Services & Events
December 17th Nativity Service 10.45 ~ Iestyn Henson
December 24th Christmas Eve 10.45~ Lessons & Carols with Communion with Michael Howells
December 25th Christmas Day 10.30 ~ All Age Celebration Service led by Iestyn Henson.
December 31st Bring & Share 10.45 ~ See item below.
St David’s Guild
Last week’s meeting was cancelled, so we will have to wait until next year to hear Margaret Wicks read the poem, written by her late sister, about being brought up on the Graig.
This week we’ll have help in preparing for Christmas as Colleen shares her talents with us as we try our hand at Christmas Handicrafts!
New Year’s Eve
‘On New Year’s Eve, we will be sharing ‘Poems & Pies’ to end the year. Do you have a favourite hymn, song, reading, poem that you’d like to share. Please let, Margaret, Claire, Catherine or Stephanie & Alan know in advance. The service will be followed by coffee and mince pies.’
Gift Sunday ~ Our Monetary Appeals
Local charity – Displaced Persons in Action in Cardiff
International charity – Akany Avoko, an orphanage in Madagascar.
Special Envelopes for the appeal, which closes on December 31st, are at the back of the Church.
Please put your name on the back of the envelope if you wish to gift aid your donation.
An example of how our donations help DPIA
- The project supported an asylum seeker in purchasing a phone so that he could stay in touch with his family, do his college work, and communicate with his volunteer placement, as well as access online information and advice.
Merched A Wawr ~ an appeal
Dilys a member of Guild and Park Ramblers is collecting scarves and jewellery/beads to help raise funds through Merched Y Wawr for Wales Air Ambulance. If you have any, please pass them on to Marilyn Edwards.
Thought for the week
A prison cell in which one waits, hopes,…and is completely dependent on the fact that the door of freedom has to be opened from the outside, is not a bad picture of Advent. Dietrich Bonhoeffer