Saint David’s Uniting Church
& Castle Square URC
Minister: Rev. Dr Phil Wall
Tel: 01443 300345 Mob: 07855090360
Admin email: [email protected]
31st July 2022
It’s Synod Sunday again! This month’s Synod Sunday Service on Zoom comes from the Cardiff and Penarth pastorate. The theme today centres on Creation and Biodiversity as we enjoy the summer. The Reflection will be given by Rev Gethin Rhys.
For those joining the Zoom Service the pre-service chat will be available from 10.30 – we look forward to ‘seeing you in the square’ and catching up with those who are unable to join us in person.
A parallel service will be held at St David’s for those who prefer a live service or don’t have access to Zoom
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers.
- We continue to hold Marilyn Leach and the family in our prayers as they prepare for the funeral of her brother which will be held at 12.45 on August 1st at Glyntaf with a time to reminisce and celebrate his life at Pontypridd rugby club. Marilyn wishes to express her thanks for all the messages received on the loss of Wynford. ” It has meant a lot to me to know that so many people care”
- We are sorry to hear that Gill Miller has had a fall recently, but are pleased that she is improving.
- Jayne and Roger – Roger should be out of plaster, week after next. Jayne has seen consultant and is now on waiting list for a knee replacement.
- Ray Vincent has joined those to succumb to COVID again. We are pleased that Liz has now recovered
- The month of August holds sad memories for some people, we remember them and those they have lost.
Birthdays for the next 5 weeks
Sunday 7th Aug – Pat Howell – It’s a BIG one! Enjoy YOUR celebrations, Pat!
Wednesday 10th Aug – Janet Bayliss, Friday 12th Aug – Jane Jones
Sunday 14th Aug – Rhiannon Howells and Colleen Rowan, Wednesday 17th Aug – Anne Hill, Monday 22nd – Roger Bright,
Thursday 25th – Hilary Goodfellow will be 90! Congratulations Hilary – Definitely time to celebrate – We hope you enjoy the day!
Friday 2nd September Annette Powell
St David’s Guild ~Arty August
The first session is on Wednesday August 3rd at 2pm. ALL are welcome!
The theme of these meetings will be ‘Every picture tells a story’.
For the first meeting we are asked to bring a photo, preferably of your wedding or otherwise a family gathering. Flyers are available –
We’ll meet in the Victoria room so please use the Church Hall entrance.
Pulpit Supplies for the next 5 weeks
St David’s
Sunday 7th 10:45 am Rev Ray Vincent.
Sunday 14th 10.45 am Rev Dr Phil Wall – Zoom Service ALSO a short service in Church
Sunday 21st 10.45 am Rev Dr Phil Wall
Sunday 21st 6.00 pm Zoom Story Telling Communion
This month, in the midst of a summer of live sport again, we’re sharing stories on the theme of ‘sports/games’ so if you have an anecdote, poem, funny memory or profound reading on the subject – or just want to listen and share in Communion with friends from around the world – do join us!
Sunday 28th 10.45 am Iestyn Henson – Communion
Sunday 4th 10.45 am Rev Malcolm Shapland
Castle Square
Sunday 7th 11.00 am Rev Dr Phil Wall – A short Church meeting will follow the service.
Sunday 21st 11.00 am Rev Ray Vincent
Sunday 4th 11.00 am Rev Dr Phil Wall
Castle Square members are invited to come to this morning service ready to share a favourite story or memory of Castle Square and – if available – are encouraged to bring along a photograph or other item that represents their story.
St David’s Annual Church Meeting
At last Sunday’s rearranged church meeting, Sue Walkling and Claire Hughes were affirmed as new elders, whilst Maralyn Tomlinson and Robert James were affirmed to serve for a second term. Those of them who were there demonstrated their willingness to serve by starting on the washing up whilst the affirming process was taking place!!! Thanks were also given to the newsletter team, pulpit supply secretary, church secretary, finance team, premises bookers, card-makers, minute-takers, worship group, buddies, elders, worship group, and Phil. The church accounts were accepted whilst resolutions to start the process of selling Church House and to be responsible for removal furniture at Castle Square were passed. It was stated that a decision to move or not to the current Castle Square premises was hoped to be taken by Christmas. For more details on these and the rest of the meeting, please see the minutes.
Church Directory
Following the affirmation of Claire Hughes and Sue Walkling as Elders, replacing Bethan and Margaret who had served for six years, a new directory will be prepared and will be available in September.
A request from Ben
“Many of you know that I am currently undertaking a PhD in Swansea Uni at the moment. As part of this I’m running a survey over the summer on people in South Wales views and experiences of Coal Tips. You don’t need any prior knowledge on coal tips to take part. I’d appreciate if you could take the time to fill out this short survey and share with family and friends! Thanks! Diolch!”
English –
Welsh –
September Services at St David’s
10am – 12noon, Worship Group. All are welcome to the Victoria Room on Friday 5th August. as the Worship Group share worship and talk about our September services over a cuppa.
A ‘Taster Evening’ 7th Sept 7:30pm on ZOOM If you find you enjoy it, you can join our series of 6 Autumn evenings growing in faith through Stepwise.
Contact Jason Askew (Training & Development Officer) to register for the Zoom Link at [email protected]
If God Had Voice Mail
Thank you for calling heaven.
I am sorry, all of our angels and saints are busy helping other sinners right now. However, your prayer is important to us and we will answer it in the order it was received. Please stay on the line.
If you would like to speak to:
God, press 1.
Jesus, press 2.
The Holy Spirit, press 3.
If you would like to hear King David sing a Psalm while you are holding, press 4.
To find a loved one who has been assigned to Heaven, press 5, then enter his or her social security number followed by the pound sign. (If you get a negative response, please hang up and try area code 666.)
For reservations in heaven, please enter J-O-H-N 3:16
For answers to nagging questions about dinosaurs, the age of the earth, life on other planets, and where Noah’s Ark is, please wait until you arrive.
If you are calling after hours and need emergency assistance, please contact your local pastor.
Contributed by Jan Harris – Source – Beliefnet’s Jokes
Something to think about!
“We shrink from change; yet is there anything that can come into being without it? What does nature hold dearer or more proper to herself? Could you have a hot bath unless the firewood underwent some change? Could you be nourished if the food suffered no change? Is it possible for any useful thing to be achieved without change?”
“Meditations” by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius (AD 121-180)
Remember to keep this newsletter as there are no newsletters in August