Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Live Stream –
26th November 2023
We welcome you all to our services today, especially if you are a visitor or worshipping with us for the first time. Our own Rev Ray Vincent is leading our services today and we pray that, through his ministry, we may all receive the blessing that we most need.
We will celebrate Holy Communion during the service and all are welcome to partake in the bread and wine.
St David’s has a tradition of lighting a black candle on the Sunday before advent as a reminder that the festive season can be difficult for many and that God is with us in our shadowlands as in the more colourful moments of our lives.
All are welcome to gather in the hall following the service to chat with friends and peruse the hand-made cards, which will be available to purchase. The proceeds will go to Church funds.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- We think of those who have been bereaved recently and will be saying farewell to loved ones this week.
- Following a fall at home on Thursday, Brian is currently in hospital having tests. It is hoped that he will return home soon. We keep him in our prayers.
- Elsie is still waiting for her scan appointment so that she can start treatment.
- We think of those who are preparing for services during Advent, the Justice & Peace team, Ray. Iestyn, and Michael and those who will be involved. Also, the Open the book team who will be at Coed-y Lan.
Thanks …..
….from Lorraine ~ I would like to say a big THANKYOU to Pam and Marilyn Young for their patience while my phone was out of order. They still managed to contact me and it was good to chat. Also, thanks to my courier, Alison, for delivering the newsletter every week. I am very grateful to you all. Lorraine
Just the one birthday that we are aware off this week! It’s Marcia’s and I have it on good authority that she’ll be celebrating (hopefully) on Saturday.
Diary for the Week
Monday 27th Language Class 10.00am.
Wednesday 29th St David’s Guild 2.00pm – see below 6pm Guides
Sunday 3rd 1st Sunday of Advent ~Amnesty Service and Gift Sunday ~ Justice and Peace group
Followed by the Church Meeting. The Minutes and agenda have been circulated and copies are on the table.
Future Services & Events
December 10th Monthly Zoom Service with Rev Ray Vincent – Parallel service in St David’s
Carol Singing at Sainsbury’s 2.30pm. Christmas Jumpers / Hats may be worn.
December 17th Nativity Service ~ Iestyn Henson
December 24th Christmas Eve ~ Lessons & Carols plus Communion with Michael Howells
St David’s Guild
Last week we Nigel Blackamore the Museum Business and Partnerships Manager for Pontypridd Town Council at Pontypridd Museum was our guest. There are changes in the museum, the displays have been updated and there are great plans for next year when the Eisteddfod will be in the town. If you haven’t visited for a while, it is well worth calling in and finding out what is on there.
This week, by request, our own Margaret Wicks will read a poem, written by her late sister, about being brought up on the Graig. We will have time to share our memories as well.
Gift Sunday ~ next Sunday December 3rd
A reminder of the charities that we are supporting.
Toys/gifts for toddlers to teenagers for Homestart,
Toiletries, Socks, T Shirts, Gloves, Hats and chocolates/sweets for the residents of the Mill Street hostel,
We request that gifts are not wrapped and are brought in separate bags for ease of distribution.
For our monetary appeal the local charity is Displaced Persons in Action in Cardiff
and the international one is Akany Avoko, an orphanage in Madagascar.
Special Envelopes for the appeal, which closes on December 31st, are at the back of the Church.
Please put your name on the back of the envelope if you wish to gift aid your donation.
This is part of a ‘Thankyou’ Letter. It gives an insight into the work of DPIA.
DPIA’s SDUC Education and Well Being Fund. This fund is entirely funded by members of Saint David’s Uniting Church (SDUC), whose members are generous and passionate about helping asylum seekers and refugees. We would not be able to help asylum seekers/refugees who are in an emergency and do not know where to turn for help without your generous and consistent donations. Asylum seekers and refugees receive a variety of essential items and services from the fund. (examples will be shared in future weeks)
Leprosy Mission A reminder
Today is the last day for Leprosy Mission boxes to be returned! Don’t forget if you prefer to give a cheque, please make it payable to St David’s Uniting Church and give it to Pat Howell
Merched A Wawr ~ an appeal
In their quest to support Wales Air Ambulance the members of Merched Y Wawr, which Cerys did so much for, are collecting scarves and jewellery. If you have any that you would like to part with, please pass them on to Marilyn Edwards.
Thought for the week
Take time to be aware; it is your opportunity to help others.