Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Live Stream:
25th June 2023
We extend a warm welcome to everyone who joins us for worship today, especially if you are a visitor or worshipping with us for the first time.
We especially welcome Rev Martin Spain who was last with us in February when he chaired our Church Meeting.
Martin is the URC Wales Synod Officer for Ecumenical & Inter-faith Relations, Martin offers guidance and support to churches in ecumenical situations, and works closely with Cytûn and other ecumenical bodies in Wales. He represents the Synod’s interests in ecumenicism issues as well as in matters of inter-faith social justice.
Today Martin is leading our worship, which will be a ‘first’ for him. The service will include the celebration of the Lords Supper and all who so wish are welcome to share it with us.
We pray that we may all know the joy of worship in God’s presence, and experience the challenge of his word to us as Martin leads us.
All are welcome to meet in the hall following the service to chat with friends when Colleen’s Handmade Cards will be available to purchase / or order. Cards can be made for special occasions and can be personalized. All proceeds go to Church Funds.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- We hold Lee Suan in our prayers as sadly her Mum passed away last weekend about 24 hours after she had left. She has now made arrangements to go back to Penang for the funeral on Monday.
- We continue to pray Linda who had her operation at the Baptist Hospital in Miami on Friday, and for George in his concern for her.
- Please continue to keep Renda and the family in your prayers in their concern for her sister who they have lost touch with.
- There are a number of people we know of who are either receiving treatment, waiting for injections or are recovering at home.
- We ask your prayers for Margaret’s cousin David, who is facing a long spell in hospital and for Chris’s sister, Hazel who is quite poorly in hospital and has been unable to walk.
- We give thanks for the contributions the Windrush generation have given to this country. As seen in the TV programme – their portraits will be added to the Royal Collection.
There are four people we know of with birthdays this week: Hettie ~ Monday 26th, Viviane ~ Tuesday 27th, Sheila ~ Thursday 29th, Claire Hughes ~ Saturday 1st. We hope you are all able to celebrate with family and friends.
Diary for the Week
Monday 26th Language Class 10.00am
Wednesday 28th Guides – 6.00pm
Thursday 29th Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir – 7.00 – 8.00pm
Sunday 2nd Morning Worship with Rev Peter Noble 10.45am
Future Services
July 9thZoom – Rev Ray Vincent July 16th – Lewis Lewis-Head July 23rd – Rev Owen Griffiths
Church AGM ~ Monday 10th July
The AGM agenda and the minutes of the church meeting on 6th February have been sent to those we have email addresses for. The agenda and a copy of the minutes are also on the Notice board. If you would like a copy of the minutes, please ask Lynda.
Copies of the Church Accounts 2022 are on the table at the back of the church.
Date for Your Diary
We will be the hosts for a Service of Thanksgiving and release from duties for the work of Revd Simon Walkling in the role of Moderator of the National Synod of Wales, which will be held on Saturday 5 August 2023 at 2pm, with refreshments served after the service. More details next week.
Induction Service in Swansea
Revd Simon Walkling, was our minister from 2004 until 2012 – He remained in Pontypridd when he was appointed as Moderator of the URC National Synod of Wales. He and Sue have supported us in many ways and we will miss them when they move to the Swansea Pastorate based in Manselton. His Induction service will be on September 2nd. There is a sign-up sheet on the table. If we don’t have enough to hire a coach we will make arrangements to share cars. PLEASE sign up if you want to be there!
The Copper pot is on the table at the back of the church, if you have any small change, please, put it in the pot and it will eventually be given to a local charity.
Thought for the Week
Pharisees banked on holy ancestry, What do we bank on?
Technology… Wealth… Status…Membership…
But the good King does not measure by the Gold Standard.
His weights are justice, righteousness and peace.
How do we fare on his scales as individuals, communities, nations?