Saint David’s Uniting Church
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
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24th March 2024
It’s Palm Sunday and our holy week worship begins as we wave palms and break bread together.
We are pleased to welcome David Powell, minister in training at High Street Baptist Church Merthyr Tydfil, who is leading our worship, and look forward to sharing communion with him
The programme for Holy week is set out below. Do try and join in all or some of these events, so that we may become aware yet again of the tragic events between Palm Sunday and Easter Day.
Although coffee and tea aren’t being served today Colleen’s Handmade Cards will be available, with a good selection for Easter. Orders for personalised cards are always welcome.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- Following his discharge from Velindre Brian has been having breathing difficulties. The cause has now been identified, the cancer in the lung has spread and no treatment is possible. He is now looking forward to better weather and getting out and about.
- Those who have elderly relatives to care for, some of whom have been unwell.
- We think of Cyril who had a cold recently and temporarily lost his voice. As he loves to receive phone calls and chat this was very difficult for him. Hopefully he has now fully recovered.
- Chris and Margaret in their concern for Chris’s younger sister, who is not very well.
- Those who are missing loved ones, who would be celebrating a birthday.
There are 3 birthdays that we are aware of this week: Kath Couchman ~ Tuesday 26th, Barbara Inson ~ Wednesday 27th and Dorothy who will be 90 on Friday 28th. Enjoy your day ladies! We know that Dorothy is celebrating on Sunday afternoon at the District Club and there is an open invitation to join her from 2pm.
Diary for the Week
* see Holy Week Services for more information
Monday 25th Language Class 10.00am.
Tuesday 26th * Church as Community ~ led by Pam. 2pm
Wednesday 27th St David’s Guild at 2.00pm – See below.
Maundy Thursday 28th * Serving Each Other – with bread and soup ~ led by Iestyn. 6.30pm
Good Friday 29th * ‘Broken’ –Music and Liturgy~led by Margaret, Viviane and Maralyn. 6.30pm
Easter Day 31st Service with Communion ~ led by Rev Ray Vincent. 10.45am
NB – there will be no Easter breakfast this year, but tea, coffee and hot cross buns will be served after the service.
Church Meeting
At the Church Meeting last Sunday, it was agreed to accept the recommended tender of £145,764 from Newbridge Development Services. The work will take approximately 16 weeks from the start date.
St David’s Guild
Two young men volunteers from Citizen’s Advice Bureau gave us a very interesting talk last week. We learnt that any person needing help would be triaged at first and then sent to an appropriate advisor. Others, with more specific problems, would be directed to telephone help lines. Problems that were dealt with were wide-ranging- from help applying for Universal Credit and how to manage debt to domestic abuse and gambling addiction. Some people came in despair with overwhelming problems. No-one was turned away. Volunteers at CAB do an outstanding job giving of their time to equip people with practical and emotional support when they are at one of the lowest point of their lives.
There is a selection of very useful leaflets in the hall giving advice on such things as energy saving.
An afternoon of fun and laughter with a little business to sort out as well. We will meet monthly from April onwards – dates to be confirmed.
Holy week services
Tuesday ~ The nature of community and how we raise awareness of and try to deal with poverty.
Maundy Thursday ~ Generosity in serving each other while sharing bread and soup.
Don’t forget to add your name to the sign-up sheet at the back of the church if you will be there.
Good Friday ~ Seven Moments by Stephen J Maunder.
A service of prayer and reflection recalling seven moments during the day of the death of Jesus.
Future Services
April 7th Lewis Lewis-Head April 14th Rev Ray Vincent April 21st Haydn Blackey
The Future of our Current Building
As several people both from the church and in the community are asking what will happen to our present building when we leave, the Synod Trust were asked for information. This is their reply: –
‘’There have been 2 enquiries – the Orthodox Church have emailed expressing interest. The Trust have not responded in any way to that approach.
The Trust are currently in conversation with Owen Griffiths, a PCW Presbytery minister, as to what might happen when St David’s leave the building, as a partner who has a material interest in the disposal of the building as there is a Deed of Trust in favour of the PCW.
As you are aware, the Trust does not enter into conversations with churches who have passed resolutions to close or leave their buildings. The disposal process is entirely under the direction of the Trust and is considered a commercially sensitive transaction which could be prejudiced by sharing information with the Church and its members. The Trust must be seen to follow the disposal procedures laid down by the Charity Commission.’’
The Elders will give updates on the future of our present building when we hear from the Trust.
Seminar on Christian Mission.
A wonderful day was had with Father James and the folk from the Orthodox community last Saturday(16th) In the morning Father James gave an in-depth presentation on Christian Mission and reminded us among many things that mission is not an optional extra but an integral part of who we are as individuals and church communities! In the afternoon a spring fair was held with a wonderful buzz and busyness and attended by some folk from the town who had seen advertising fliers! It was a really worthwhile day.
A date for your Diary. On Friday 10th May at 7pm, a Concert of Music Singing and Poetry with the Orthodox Community will be held in the Sanctuary.
Thought for the week
“The Lord measures out perfection neither by the multitude nor the magnitude of our deeds,
but by the manner in which we perform them.”
St. John of the Cross
Don’t Forget!
British Summer Time starts next weekend. Put your clocks forward by 1 hour or you’ll be late for church!