Saint David’s Uniting Church
& Castle Square URC
Minister: Rev. Dr Phil Wall
Tel: 01443 300345 Mob: 07855090360
Admin email: [email protected]
23rd October 2022
This week our service, which will be held at Castle Square at 10.45. and will be the last Communion service to be led by Phil before he leaves us to take up his new post as a chaplain at Oakhill Secure Training Unit – a young offender’s institution for children aged 12 to 18 – based in Milton Keynes.
There will NOT be a service at Gelliwastad Road
This service is just a trial; we are still exploring options for our future ‘home’ and it will take time.
We would encourage all who are able to join us as we ‘get the feel’ of worshipping in a different building. Following the decision of the church meeting to leave our Gelliwastad Road premises by the end of 2024 at the latest, we invite you imagine what it might be like to worship here and would value your feedback – so questionnaires – to be returned by Sunday 30th – will be distributed before the service
Tea and coffee will be served in the hall following the service.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers.
- Jan has spoken to Martha, and she hopes to be home on Sunday! This is great news.
- Pat has let us know that Gareth is to have full care at home from Tuesday. This will be a tremendous help to Pat. We continue to hold them in our prayers.
- Ann Powell is feeling better but is unable to do all that she would like to.
- Kath will be having her operation on Tuesday, which she is pleased about, but she is disappointed that she will miss Phil’s Farewell Events. We hope all goes well.
- Elsie finally had her scan and will be seeing her consultant on Friday, when hopefully she will be given a date for surgery.
- We hope that others we know of who were waiting for results have received good news.
- Phil George has been working very hard to get better – He is able to walk unaided and he is learning how to adapt. It is hoped he will return home in weeks rather than months.
- As we come to Phil’s last week as our minister and the last week for Castle Square URC after 117 years, we think of all who will be affected by the change and pray that whatever the future holds that we may be able to continue to bear witness in our community.
Only one person that we know of with a birthday this week – Isobel Henson will be 21 on Thursday 27th . Can you believe it? … We send her our Love and Congratulations – Enjoy the Celebrations Izzy!
Next Friday marks Marica and Brian’s golden wedding anniversary – so huge congratulations to you both. We hope you celebrate appropriately!!!
Thanks from…..
Pam … ‘”Diolch yn fawr” to those who sponsored me for “Pipal tree” the charity that supports women and girls in Nepal, my target was £100 and I more than doubled it!
Diary for the Week ~ St David’s
Monday 24th Language Classes 10.00-12.00 Filia Art Group 13.00-15.00
Wednesday 26th St David’s Guild 14.00 -15.30 (see below…) Guides 18.00-19.30
Thursday 27th Sing for Life Choir 18.30-19.30.
Saturday 29th Phil’s Farewell Party from 16.30 – 20.00
Castle Square Craft and Chat
We think of the Craft and chatters as they say goodbye to Phil on Monday in their own inimitable style and prepare to move to their new home in Tonteg.
Castle Square Ladies Guild
Fish and chips will be enjoyed by Phil and the Castle Square ladies as they enjoy their last gathering at Castle Square – this Wednesday at 2pm.
St David’s Guild
Last week was a very enjoyable afternoon! The Victoria room was packed out as Phil shared a history of his time in Wales in 10 Objects – we also enjoyed a cake made by Colleen! For those unable to be there, Robert recorded the proceedings and this will be available on our website shortly.
This week we will have an ‘All things considered’ afternoon when we are invited to bring an amusing / interesting articles from newspapers/magazines to share with each other.
Phil’s Farewell Party–
Church party from 4.30 – 8pm on Saturday 29th October, before Phil’s last services with both churches the following day.
4:30pm – Please come from this time and bring something to add to our bring and share buffet
5pm – The Twmpath begins! 7:30pm – Quiz answers given and prizes awarded 8pm – Carriages
A sign-up sheet with food suggestions is on the table…..we don’t want too many sausage rolls!!.
Sunday Services
St David’s
October 30th – Phil’s Final Service – will take place at 10.45. A Special service has been planned at Phil’s request. It will be live streamed.
The Synod Sunday Service will include prayers from Castle Square and hymns from St. David’s Uniting. The service will be available on the Synod YouTube page. – URC National Synod of Wales – YouTube
Castle Square
October 30th at 3pm – A chance to chat over a cuppa before the Castle Square Thanksgiving Service at 4pm, where we will thank God for the faith, fellowship, and fun shared at Castle Square over 117 years, thank God for the worship and witness of Castle Square over 117 years.
Cinema Trip
If anyone is interested in joining a group to visit the Showcase cinema on Monday 31st October to view the 3.50 performance of “Emily”, a film about the life of Emily Bronte, please contact Pam – 07766208171 hopefully if enough people are interested, lifts can be arranged.
Beverley’s World of Music
A concert written and performed by Beverley Humphreys, accompanied by Ryan Wood.
Will be held at St. David’s Uniting Church on Saturday 5th November at 6pm
Tickets ~ £8 are available by calling: 07967215462
All proceeds to the Pontypridd Refugee and Homeless Fund
As part of next week’s celebrations, which includes marking 50 years of the URC (and of Brian and Marcia’s marriage!) we’ll be having a quiz on Saturday, covering events from the last 50 years. Here are some questions to get the brain juices flowing:
- In 1972, which US President ordered the development of the Space Shuttle program?
- Giuseppe, Candice and Rahul are winners of which TV competition?
- Which actor played Nigel, a Church of England lay reader, in the TV series Rev?
- The Mariner 9 spacecraft sent more than 7,000 images of which planet in 1972?
- Which venue in London hosted the first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in 1946?
- What is the name of Microsoft’s spreadsheet program?
- What is the sub-title of the third Harry Potter Book?
- Let it Go is a song from which animated musical film?
- Richard Adams wrote which book about a group of rabbits, which was first published in 1972?
- Who plays Vito Corleone in the 1972 film The Godfather?
Thought for the week
Problems call forth our courage and our wisdom;
indeed, they create our courage and our wisdom.
It is only because of problems that we grow mentally and spiritually.
It is through the pain of confronting and resolving problems that we learn.
Scott Peck 1936-2005