Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Livestream
22nd January 2023
We welcome you all to our service this morning, the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
We are indebted Iestyn Henson who has planned the service which will include the celebration of the Lord’s Supper: ALL are welcome to share in the bread and wine.
We are blessed that our Peace and Justice group are once again willing to share their talents with us.
Coffee will not be available after the service, but we invite you to stay and share informal fellowship in the company of friends. Hand-made cards may be available, all proceeds from the sales will go to Church funds.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers. Please pray for:
- Cyril in his concern for his daughter Janet who has suffered a stroke and should be hopefully be transferred to Prince Charles hospital this weekend. Janet is a member of the Park Ramblers.
- Dilys, one of the Park Ramblers, has suffered two fractures to her shoulder after a fall.
- Two members of our congregation are currently in hospital with pneumonia, it is not known how long they will be kept in, but they are being well looked after.
- Elsie had her first session of Brachytherapy at Velindre on Friday: we hope it went well!
- We continue to hold Viviane’s sister in our prayers along with those who live with constant pain.
- The current variant of COVID appears to be more difficult to cope with and is lasting longer. We pray for those who are affected by it.
- We think of Marlene R whose good neighbour and friend passed away suddenly this week. She was well known to many of our fellowship who live on the Whiterock estate
- There are a number of people who since the pandemic have not been able to worship with us in person, we miss them and keep them all in our prayers.
Only one birthday again this week that we are aware of – Elsie Bennett will be celebrating Saturday 28th, and Elsie certainly knows how to celebrate. Enjoy YOUR day Elsie!
Good News
Brian is very pleased to report that his recent CT scan results only showed slight growth in the tumour which the consultant was not concerned about, so his treatment will continue as usual. Thanks for all your support.
Alan has also had good news from his consultant, (on the third anniversary of his operation), his next appointment is in 6 months.
Funny things children say!
‘Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it every day.’ Noelle – age 7
Diary for the Week
Monday 23rd Language Class 10.00 am
Tuesday 24th 50+Forum Meeting in the Victoria room. 1.30-3-30 pm
Wednesday 25th St David’s Guild – 2.00 – 3.30 pm (see below) Guides – 6.00 pm
Thursday 26th Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir 6.30 pm
Friday 27th Hatha Yoga – 9.30-11.30 am
Sunday 29th 10.30 am Zoom Synod Sunday ~ Parallel Service in Church at 10.45am
St David’s Guild
The snow put paid to our meeting last week, but we will get a chance to have the pleasure of Dave Kitchen’s company as Marilyn has booked him for a date in March, which is something to look forward to.
This week will have an illustrated talk about Betty Campbell, who was Wales’s first black headteacher. A statue sculptured by Eve Shepherd stands in Central Square, Cardiff.
It is a fascinating statue that features not only Betty but the black culture of Bute Town where Betty taught.
Computer Scams ~The document mentioned in last week’s newsletter about scams, and how to deal with them, along with other useful information has been emailed to those we have addresses for and paper copies are available today.
Church Meeting – A new Date! Monday 6th February at 7pm.
Hopefully nothing will prevent this meeting from taking place – We are looking forward to welcoming Martin Spain, the URC Officer for Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations who will chair the meeting.
This is an important meeting as time is slipping by, these are some of the topics we need to think about before decisions are made. A document has been circulated so that we are well-informed. Please read it.
- Future Ministry Resolution from Elders
- TimeLine for the Future of the Church
- Finance Report
- Fabric Report
The full agenda and the minutes from the last meeting are on the notice board. Notice of any other business can be given at the beginning of the meeting.
We realise that for many an evening meeting may be difficult, but we urge you to attend if you can as we plan for our future ministry! Apologies should be given to your Elder or Lynda.
Future Services
February 5th 10.45 Dave Kitchen
February 12th 10.30 Zoom Service with Rev Ray Vincent. 10.45 Service in Church led by Michael
Thought for the week
There is unusual power in united prayer.
God has planned for His people to join together in prayer,
not only for Christian fellowship, spiritual nurture, and growth,
but also for accomplishing His divine purposes and reaching His chosen goals.
Wesley L. Duewel