Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
7th 21st May 2023
We welcome you all to our services today, especially if you are worshipping with us for the first time.
We are very pleased to welcome Rev Branwen Rees to lead our service today and we pray that we may all know the joy of worship in God’s presence through her. As Thursday was Ascension Day our service today will reflect on this.
This is not Branwen’s first visit to us: Her last visit was on 15 March 2020, when Phil was our minister and he had invited two friends to share the service with him. (That was our last service before COVID)
This is how Phil introduced her: A Porthcawl girl, Branwen crossed the Severn to train alongside Phil for United Reformed Church ministry at Westminster College, Cambridge and was ordained in August 2014 at Greenock East and Port Glasgow URCs. Our Synod celebrated when Branwen returned to Cymru in 2018 as East Wales Regional Minister with pastoral charge of Cwmbran URC, Ebenezer URC and Sardis, Ynsyddu. One Sunday a month, Branwen is released from leading worship with her congregations, meaning that she can travel around the area and share her gifts with others. Which is what she is doing today!
Tea and coffee will be served in the hall following the service, and homemade cards will be on sale. Please join us for this time of informal fellowship. (see Christian Aid Reminder below)
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- As the Walkling family, Sue, Simon, Ben, Bethan and Ianto, and Sue’s sister, Linda, Paul and David prepare to say their final goodbye to David, we hold them in our prayers. The funeral will be held at Glyntaf Crematorium on Thursday 25th at 2.15pm followed by refreshments at the Heritage Park. For those unable to attend the funeral it will be live-streamed and will also be available later. (See details below ~ If you need help contact [email protected] or ring Marcia).
- We ask your prayers for Ianto’s Mum (Bethan’s mother-in-law) who is facing an operation in the coming weeks. We wish her well.
- There are several people who are unable to worship with us because of illness or family responsibilities. A phone call or visit would let them know they are not forgotten!
David Jones’ family want to thank all those who have sent cards and given support in their bereavement and for the unseen prayers. For those who cannot attend the funeral in person at Glyn Taff at 2:15pm on Thursday 25th May, the service will be streamed on the Obitus website where you can enter the following username and password.
Website Username duto5741 Password 503016
There is just one person that we are aware of with a birthday this week: Pete Davies will be blowing out the candles on his cake on Monday 22nd. Enjoy ‘YOUR’ day Pete!
Good News
It has been quite a while since the Reflection has been published! So, we are very pleased to say that this week’s Reflection has been printed and is also available on line.
We share the joy of Michael and Mary as Rhiannon is confirmed at a special Confirmation Mass led by Archbishop Mark at St Dyfrig’s, on Saturday 27th. We also support her as she takes the next step in her faith journey. It is good that Non-conformists and Catholics can share and worship together.
Diary for the Week
Monday 22nd Language Class 10.00 am
The Park Ramblers meet at 10.15 am to walk followed by coffee in Café Royale.
Tuesday 23rd OPAG meeting 12.00
Wednesday 24th Guides 6.00 pm
Thursday 25th 50+ Forum 12.00 Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir 7.00 pm
Sunday 28th Our Pentecost Worship at 10.45 will be Rev Ray Vincent ~ Communion Service.
Elders Meeting
At the Elders’ Meeting on Sunday afternoon, we will be looking at dates for the AGM and starting to plan the agenda, updating the GDPR policy and looking at fifth Sundays.
A Reminder!
Christian Aid envelopes are still available for your donations and can be placed in the offertory plate. Don’t forget to Gift Aid your donation if you can.
Home baked cakes will be available after the service to enjoy with your coffee.
Proceeds will be donated to Christian Aid!’
Future Services
June 4 th Haydn Blackey
June 11th Gwen Simmons on Zoom
June 18th Rev Aled Edwards
Thought for the week
Can you imagine if everyone on the planet turned off their TV to stop the intake of fear from the news channels and just concentrated on love? The whole planet would instantly propel itself into the ascension process and turn into a heavenly state in a higher vibratory dimension!
DJ QBert (Richard Quitevis)