Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Live Stream –
19th November 2023
We welcome, very warmly, everyone who joins us for worship today, especially if you are a visitor, or worshipping with us for the first time.
We extend a special welcome to Rev Simeon Baker who is leading our worship today. Simeon is Mission Director with Baptist Union of Wales and works to support and encourage the Churches and Associations in mission through training, partnerships and projects to develop missional priorities.
We look forward to meeting with him following the service. Simeon last visited us in 2017.
Fair-traded refreshments will be served in the hall following the service, and. Handmade Cards will be available to purchase/order. We invite you to join us for this time of informal fellowship.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- Elsie’s test results were not what she wanted to hear, but it is not all bad, she will have a scan next week, to determine when a new course of treatment starts. Elsie remains positive in her outlook and we support her.
- We are sorry to hear that Alan has recently spent time in A&E having suffered an injury to his knee, we hope he has recovered.
- We give thanks for ‘good’ news and we remember those for whom news has not been so good.
- There are several people who are unable to worship with us because of illness or timing/travel issues. A phone call or visit would let them know they are not forgotten!
- As we approach the season of advent we remember those for whom it will have sad memories.
- The Elders as they meet on Sunday evening to discuss the agenda for our next Church Meeting on Sunday December 3rd.
- A service to celebrate the life of Pauline Phillips, a former member of St David’s Uniting church will take place on Friday November 24th at St Catherine’s Church at 10.00am followed by commital at Glyntaf Crematorium at 11.15am. All are invited to wear an item of bright clothing. We think of her Husband Derek, son’s Robert and Neil and the grandchildren, Shaun, Rebecca and Megan, who were all part of our fellowship for many years.
Thanks …..
….from Beti ~ I had a very enjoyable day last Friday, with many cards, visits, gifts of flowers and treats. It was a day to remember, thanks to all who contributed, I really appreciated it. Beti
There are no birthdays or anniversaries that we are aware of this week.
Diary for the Week
Monday 20th Language Class 10.00am.
Wednesday 22nd St David’s Guild 2.00pm – see below 6pm Guides
Sunday 26th Morning worship ~ Rev Ray Vincent ~ Communion Service
Future Services
December 3rd 1st Sunday of Advent ~ Amnesty Service and Gift Sunday ~ Justice and Peace group
December 10th Monthly Zoom Service with Rev Ray Vincent – Parallel service in St David’s
December 17th Nativity Service ~ Iestyn Henson
St David’s Guild
Last week Rev Ruth Moverley shared photographs and memories of her visit to Madagascar this Summer. We learned about the work of the Orphanage in Madagascar which inspired the church’s choice for their international Christmas appeal. It was a very interesting and informative afternoon.
This week we will hear from Nigel Blackamore the Museum Business and Partnerships Manager for Pontypridd Town Council at Pontypridd Museum. On the museum’s website he says that his aim is to bring out the beauty of the building once again….. and get the community involved.
Advent. ~ Gift Sunday December 3rd
Christmas is a time when we celebrate the greatest gift of all – the gift of love, the gift of God, come to us in swaddling clothes – so it’s only appropriate that this season is also one of sharing that love with others. There are many ways you might give this advent.
For many years we have supported Homestart, who help families through challenging times, by donating toys/gifts for toddlers to teenagers.
Also we remember the residents of the Mill Street hostel, which is run by Pobl, by donating Toiletries, Socks, T Shirts, Gloves, Hats and chocolates/sweets for the residents.
We request that gifts are not wrapped and are brought in separate bags for ease of distribution.
For our monetary appeal each year we support a local and an international cause. This year, we are supporting:
Displaced Persons in Action in Cardiff and Akany Avoko, an orphanage in Madagascar.
Special Envelopes for the appeal, which closes on December 31st, are at the back of the Church.
Please put your name on the back of the envelope if you wish to gift aid your donation.
There is a soaring demand at Foodbanks across the UK:
As approved at the Church meeting, there is a collection box for donations to the Foodbank on the table, so we urge everyone to contribute as they are able.
Used Postage stamps
We collect stamps for Amnesty International, so please check your mail, cut off the stamps – leaving a small border – and put them in the box on the table. Please remember the barcode is part of the stamp.
Thought for the week
Every individual has a place to fill in the world, and it is important, in some respect, whether he chooses to be or not.
Nathaniel Hawthorne 1804-1864