Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Live Stream –
18th Aug 2024
We welcome everyone who joins us for worship today, either on line or in person, especially if you are a visitor or worshipping with us for the first time
We pray that we may all know the joy of worship in God’s presence, and experience the challenge of his word to us.
Our service will be led today by Iestyn Henson and will include a hymn that many will not have sung for many years as Iestyn enlightens us through the types of biblical writings.
All are invited to join us for tea or coffee, which will be served in the hall following the service when a selection of handmade cards will also available. Large cards are £2 and small are £1.50.
Our ‘Copper Pot’ is on the table waiting for your ‘small change’, the money is donated to ‘local’ charities; if you have any suggestions for a worthy charity, please make them known
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week.
- Unfortunately, Dave was unable to visit Clwb y Bont as he had hoped because he was readmitted to hospital, his consultant will only discharge him when she is happy that everything is working as it should be. We keep him and Kath in our prayers
- We continue to keep Jean and John Davies in our prayers, we have been unable to contact them this week.
- We think of Elsie as she receives the results of her scan on Tuesday
- We were sorry to hear that Colleen has been under par recently, she is feeling a lot better now.
- We remember those who are anxious about forthcoming exam results.
We only have one birthday in our church family this week ~ Roger Bright will be celebrating on Thursday 22nd. Maybe Jayne will make him a cake! We hope you enjoy your day, Roger.
….from Colleen ‘I would like to thank everyone who sent me birthday cards last week, thankfully I was feeling much better and was able to celebrate my birthday.’
….from John Henson….’On behalf of all the family, I want to say thank you to everyone at St David’s Uniting Church for the love and support shown to us this last month. Your cards, words of comfort and support at the Thanksgiving Service have been very much appreciated. I’m also pleased to let you know that £228.00 was sent to Christian Aid in Valerie’s memory; thank you to all for that loving response.’
Good News
Heather’s granddaughter Eloise, a former member of Church House Sunday Club and Kid’s club has passed all 4 A levels and is very happy with her results, although she is undecided on what she will do next.
Marlene McCloy is delighted to share the news that her nephew, Nathaniel, Louise’s son, has passed his college exams and has secured a post as a junior chef.
Diary for the Week
Monday 12th Language class in the Victoria room at 10.00
The Park Ramblers will meet at 10.15am, for their weekly walk followed by coffee
Wednesday 21st The Elders will be sorting out what we will take to our new home!
Thursday 22nd If Prison Walls Could Speak – 7pm at Tabernacle Baptist Church (see below)
Sunday 25th Our morning service at 10.45 will be led by Stephen Webber
If Prison Walls Could Speak
(suitable for ages 13+)
Artless Theatre Company in partnership with Release International will tell a true story of resilience, espionage and faith via the medium of drama and holographic live cinema. The play follows the story of a Christian Aid worker imprisoned in Sudan for assisting the persecuted church. Tickets are £7 on the door or online at Tabernacle Baptist Church, Penarth. CF64 1EN
Future Services
September 1st Dave Kitchen September 8th Zoom Service September 15th Lewis Lewis-Head
Update on our move to Treforest.
The removal firm has been booked for September 2nd! The sound and vision equipment will, hopefully be installed during that week.
The Elders will be spending the afternoon this Wednesday sifting through cupboards selecting what will or will not be required. Not an easy job!
As mentioned last week our last newsletter with Gelliwastad Road as the address will be on September 1st. We are hoping to make some changes to the format. If you have any suggestions for new items, please let Marcia know. There will not be a newsletter on September 8th.
Denominational Newssheets, & Publications
There is a selection of publications on the back table, please feel free to take and read at your leisure. There is no need to return them. This is a way of keeping aware of what is happening in the wider church.
Gobaith Clothing
A Presbyterian Church of Wales project giving hope and dignity to our communities.
We provide quality clothes to individuals and families experiencing poverty and need or crisis in our communities, Clothing is essential in keeping us warm and giving us a sense of dignity and worth. Babies and Children donations are urgently needed. Can you support a family in need through a donation? Contact ~ 07423 050392 [email protected]
Thought for the Week.
Love is the light that dissolves all walls between souls, families and nations
Paramahansa Yogananda