Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for Zoom:
16th July 2023
We welcome you all to our services today: if you are a visitor or worshipping with us for the first time, we hope you will feel ‘at home’ and return again soon.
Here at St David’s, we love a challenge! This week our service was to have been led by Lewis Lewis-Head, but unfortunately, he has been unable to fulfil the date.
We are extremely grateful to our own Rev Ray Vincent for standing in at very short notice.
We invite you to join us for tea or coffee in the hall following the service for a time of informal fellowship when handmade cards will be on sale.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the newsletter to inform our prayers during the week. This week we have received very little news, which is good as they say “No news is good news”.
- We think of Maralyn whose Uncle George died on Tuesday.
- Brian currently in hospital, but hopefully only for a few days!
- We remember Claire, whose sister-in-law Ann, Rob’s sister, has passed away after a time of illness.
- We think of those who are concerned for the health of family members or close friends
- While we give thanks for ‘good’ news, we also remember those for whom news has not been so good, particularly those who are grieving and missing loved ones.
- We have received this message “I am not able to worship with you at the moment but I think of you all every day and I pass on my best wishes to all my friends at St David’s Uniting Church. Sharon ”
- We think of those for whom this time of year holds sad memories, and we pray for them.
No birthdays that we are aware of this week. Our records are not currently up to date as we have GDPR forms to give out to several people, so if we’ve missed your special day, we apologise.
Diary for the Week
Monday 17th Language Class 10.00am
Tuesday 18th 50+ Armchair Yoga
Wednesday 19th Guides – 6.00pm
Sunday 23rd Morning Worship with Communion with Owen Griffiths 10.45am
Future Services
July 30th – Rev Simon Walkling August 6th – Dave Kitchen. August 13th – Zoom Service with Rev Ray Vincent
News from the Church AGM
The meeting was chaired by Rev Stephen Best who will be guiding us through the process of the transition as we plan our move to Castle Square.
The following Resolution was passed:
Church Meeting resolves to surrender the St David’s, Gelliwastad Rd premises to the URC Trust and to complete the move to Castle Square before the end of 2023.
We received an update on future ministry. Elders are currently working on a shared vision with our partner churches and it is planned to make this available in the Autumn as we seek a new minister.
A small group has been formed to meet at Castle Square to discuss changes with the architect. The first meeting will be on Monday 24th July.
Bethan Walkling and Catherine Naamani were nominated to serve as Elders from September. Colleen Rowan has been shadowing Lynda as treasurer since January we are delighted that she has agreed to continue and is now our New Treasurer.
Farewell Lunch for Simon and Sue
TODAY is your last chance to sign up for the lunch at The Heritage Park following the Morning service on July 30th. Those who have signed up will receive the menu and will be asked to choose a main course and dessert.
Induction Service in Swansea
A reminder! The service is on Saturday 2nd September. Please can you add your name to the list if you intending to travel by car and are willing to take passengers,
Forever Flowers Display in Cardiff Castle
From 5th – 13th August, hundreds of beautiful metal daisies will feature in a stunning display within the grounds of Cardiff. Limited edition daisies are available to purchase to form part of this special display in memory of someone you love. During the final two days of the display, you will be welcome to take away your flower and place it in a space that is special to you. Further information is available on the Forever Flowers website
Fair-Traded Refreshments
Fair trade tea and coffee will be available after the service. The Coffee Team of volunteers is growing, but we still welcome new volunteers – either as regulars or as occasional stand-ins. It’s a great way to meet and chat with the church family. If you’d like to be involved, let Catherine or Liz know.
Handmade Cards
If you know of anybody celebrating special wedding anniversaries, birthdays etc please let Colleen know and we can help them celebrate! Orders can be placed and personalised! So, if anyone would like a handmade card, contact Colleen
Colleen’s Handmade Cards are available to purchase / or order.. Large cards are £2 and small ones £1.50. . Cards can be made for special occasions and can be personalized.
Thought for the Week
Do something for somebody every day for which you do not get paid.
Albert Schweitzer 1875-1965