Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for ZOOM:
16th April 2023
Our service today is our monthly ZOOM Service; log in opens at 10.30 for pre service chat. We look forward to catching up with those who are unable to worship with us in person.
Our service, will be led by our good friend Gwen Simmonds. Gwen is no stranger to Zoomers and has led more than one post Easter Service. The service, which will be available later on YouTube, will start at 10.45.
We thank Bethan for facilitating our Zoom Service.
At the same time, for those who don’t have internet access or prefer ‘live’ worship there is an alternative service at St David’s. We thank Michael for facilitating the in-house service.
Whichever service you join we hope that you will feel the warmth of fellowship with friends.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers:
- We continue to think of Graham, Janice and the family as they prepare to say their final Goodbye to Mair. The funeral will be held at Glyntaf on Thursday 20th at 2.15pm.
- We remember those who are unwell and are being cared for in their homes, we hold them and those who care for them in our prayer.
- We were sorry to hear that Beti has Covid, and hope she will soon be able to get out and about.
- Colleen has had a new date for her scan, we pray that it won’t be postponed again.
- Brian is still in RGH, but is much improved and will hopefully be discharged this week.
Thanks for Services
Many comments have been made about our Holy Week and Easter Services. The service on Tuesday when Sue shared pictures of Holy week events – the window displays were truly spectacular (photographs are in the Hall). The Maundy Thursday Communion led by Simon was described by one person as amazing, and was so inspiring. Good Friday’s Service and the fantastic PowerPoint which Robert had prepared was another excellent service. Easter Day started with Breakfast and worship ably led by Claire, then our Easter Day worship with communion, involved many people, two at short notice due to illness. We had a truly marvellous and inspiring week. Thanks to ALL who made it happen.
Diary for the Week
Monday 17th Language Class 10.00 am
Tuesday 18th 50+ Armchair Yoga 1.30 pm
Wednesday 19th Guides 6pm
Thursday 20th Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir7.00 pm
Friday 21st Ynysangharad WI – 1.30pm
Sunday 23rd Communion service with Rev Martin Spain at10.45 am.
Future Services
April 30th Synod Sunday Zoom Service
May 7th Michael Howells
May 14th Christian Aid Service – Justice and Peace group and Jennifer Weaver of Christian Aid
This weekend many URC churches will have joined the 50th Anniversary Service of Thanksgiving on Saturday at Westminster Methodist Central Hall which was postponed from October 2022 You can view the Service by following this link.
Homemade Cards
Get your orders in NOW! Anyone who wants cards made for May or early June, please could you let Colleen know a.s.a.p., as she will be unable to do any orders after May 7th for about 5weeks!
In answer to an appeal for items for the newsletter Claire has shared this Poem about her dog Tegwen ‘wiggle bottom’, who is known to many as she sometimes accompanies Claire to services.
Faithful Friend
She sits and chews at end of stick
And tears the bark asunder,
Then runs free against the wind
Her face breaks open in wide grin:
No weather will confound her.
Sweet dog, with patience of a saint,
Waits while I put my thoughts down.
My faithful friend sits at my side,
I write of her with words of pride,
My happy four-legged clown.
For that she is: she knows her role,
To fix my heart and make it whole.
To comfort, love and to condole,
As ‘tween stress and crisis I do roll.
Thank God for dog to heal my soul.
Thought for the week
“Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.”
Albert Einstein