Saint David’s Uniting Church
Minister: Vacancy
Church Office Tel: 01443 300345
Admin email: [email protected]
Link for ZOOM:
12th February 2023
We welcome everyone to our services today, either online or in person.
For those joining us for our Zoom service, which is being led by Rev Ray Vincent ~ his theme today is Placing ourselves in God’s presence
Last month Ray gave us the following to think about before Service
- Think about the people you know who are not ‘religious’:
- What do they believe in?
- What are their concerns or passions?
- What are their moral standards?
We invite you to join us in ‘the square’ from 10.30 for a pre-service chat!
At the same time, there is an alternative service at St David’s for those who don’t have internet access or prefer ‘live’ worship. This in-house service will be led by Michael Howells.
The Earthquake ~ Emergency Appeal
Donations can be made by Phone: 0370 60 60 610: by Post: PO Box 999, London EC3A 3AA, cheques payable to DEC Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal. Online:
There is also a collection point at 4 Mill Street for good quality clothes, including for babies and children, blankets, feeding equipment and emergency supplies for those affected by the earthquake.
We hold all the people affected by the situation and those who are helping them in our prayers.
Church Family and Pastoral News
We include this in the news sheet to inform our prayers.
- We continue to hold Cyril and his grandsons in our prayers as they prepare for Janet’s funeral. A service will be held at Temple Baptist on
Monday 20th at 12pm. Followed by a family-only service at Glyntaf. - Hilary has not been as well as she would like to be but is improving slowly. Too slowly for her!
- Elsie’s first treatment at Velindre has gone well, and she is full of praise for the staff at the hospital.
- The latest report on Graham: the fracture is slowly knitting together, he would just like it to be quicker!
- We look forward to welcoming Viviane back after a prolonged time away.
- There are a number of people whom we have missed from our services in recent weeks due to ill health. We look forward to welcoming them back when they are well.
- We think of the Elders as this afternoon at 3.00 pm they look at the next steps for future ministry from the URC and services for Holy Week.
There is just one birthday this week that we are aware of –. Catherine Naamani will be celebrating on Saturday 18th. Enjoy ‘YOUR’ day Catherine.
from Llamau….the money you have donated will go towards preventing homelessness for young people and vulnerable women in Wales, as well as providing safe accommodation and support for those who become homeless.
from Home Start Cymru….Thankyou all for your kind and generous donation of gifts & toys, they were all welcomed by families supported by Home-Start in RCT.
Diary for the Week
Monday 13h Language Class 10.00 am Visit to Aspen House 2.30pm
Wednesday 15th St David’s Guild – 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm (see below) Guides – 6.00 pm
Thursday 16th Tenovus ‘Sing with Us’ Choir 7.00 – 8.00 pm
Sunday 19th 10.45 am Haydn Blackey
St David’s Guild
Our Meal at Alfred’s last week was enjoyed by all! This week we look forward to welcoming John King who is well-informed about bees ~ he will tell us all about the bee-keeping year!
News from the Church Meeting.
The meeting was chaired by Rev Martin Spain. It was good to have an impartial person present!
The main item on the agenda was ‘The timeline for the future of the Church’ – which was discussed later.
Future Ministry Resolution from Elders ~ We voted to accept that we would look to the URC for ministry.
Review of Pattern of Services – Our pattern of services will remain the same – Sadly our Zoom Storytelling communion will not be able to resume unless someone is able to facilitate it.
We were thrilled to learn that Colleen has agreed to be Assistant Treasurer, she will be an asset to the team.
An appeal was made for a person to set the heating clock each week ~ An essential job when it is cold!
Due to Martin’s excellent chairing, we had plenty of time for the main item. We had four options – we had time to listen and make comments – and many people did. Written views were also shared. Pam presented the first three, and Michael presented the final one. We learned a lot before voting on each one.
OPTION 1. Tackle the state of the current building.
OPTION 2. Move to Castle Square
OPTION 3. Hire a space on a weekly basis e.g. Historical centre
OPTION 4. Turn the existing Gelliwastad Rd building into an ecumenical centre having a sharing agreement with other Christian faiths (Greek Orthodox) and Muslim community
We learned a lot during the presentations, it was an excellent meeting and so well presented – it gave people hope! We took a vote on each option and Option 2. – Move to Castle Square was chosen.
We can move forward and yet there are still the possibilities of having a presence in town with ‘projects and/or events’ and still expand and be open to welcoming interfaith groups but in a different area without the financial worries we currently have.
Future Services
February 26th 10.45 David Powell March 5th 10.45 Lewis Lewis-Head
Thought for the week
Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.
Henry Ford 1863-1947